de #Tlachinollan 🌱 Libertad inmediata! de 95 normalistas de #Mactumatzá, 74 son mujeres que fueron agredidas sexualmente y acosadas por la policía en la represión del día martes 18 de mayo de 2021 en #Chiapas.
⚠️ Alto a la represión de las normales rurales del país.
#tlachinollan #Mactumatzá #chiapas
#Chiapas, Mexico. More than 200 students from the Rural Normal School #Mactumatzá were detained by state police this morning. Most of their whereabouts are still unknown. Students were protesting for better access to publc education! We’re calling for international solidarity! ❤️
#Chiapas, Mexico. More than 200 students from the Rural Normal School #Mactumatzá were detained by state police this morning. Most of their whereabouts are still unknown. Students were protesting for better access to publc education! We’re calling for international solidarity! ❤️