El acuerdo de pesca de la UE con #Madagascar es una oportunidad para los pescadores europeos, pero la @ComisionEuropea debe darle todas las garantías jurídicas para poder operar en sus aguas. https://t.co/vqjWB5pVgs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GabrielMatoA/status/1673799286025252866
Matières premières critiques : j'ai alerté sur l'inadaptation des législations de certains pays comme #Madagascar
Le travail des enfants (pour l'extraction de cobalt) constitue également l'effroyable envers du décor du "tout électrique" imposé par l'UE !😢
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DominiqueBilde/status/1661619682783162370
L’Alliance française de @AF_antananarivo est l’une des 29 que compte #Madagascar. J’ai annoncé la construction d’un nouveau bâtiment ainsi que des travaux de modernisation de toutes les alliances de l’île.
Objectif : accueillir davantage d’apprenants francophones! #francophonie
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CZacharopoulou/status/1659227462276972547
La #francophonie se vit chaque jour à travers le monde. Les Alliances françaises en sont le cœur battant, notamment à #Madagascar 🇲🇬
Ravie d’y avoir rencontré de nombreux francophones et francophiles à @AF_antananarivo et à celle de Majunga. @alliancefrarm @OIFrancophonie
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CZacharopoulou/status/1659222898278629381
RT @MatEick: When humanitarian aid needs to go to even the most remote locations, UNHAS with funding support from the EU @EU_ECHO can get material and personnel on location for life-saving activities @WFP_UNHAS #Madagascar @UE_Madagascar https://t.co/bY96wF9nut
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_echo/status/1651893317704069121
RT @Valtzen: Behold the supernatural landscape of Betsiboka river estuary!
Vivid water colors are a direct result of soil erosion and serves as a stark reminder of the complex consequences of deforestation.
#Sentinel2 #Madagascar #Geology #Landscape #EarthArt #Colors https://t.co/SHvUcQy9OY
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1652303507532267521
#Sentinel2 #Madagascar #geology #landscape #earthart #colors
#Copernicus #OpenData allows monitoring of water bodies, #WaterQuality & sediment transport in coastal areas
⬇️This #Sentinel2🇪🇺🛰️ image from 16 April shows sediment plumes in seawater mixing with riverine flows discharged into the Mania River Delta in western #Madagascar🇲🇬
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1647906978042204164
#Copernicus #opendata #WaterQuality #Sentinel2 #Madagascar
RT @inaturalist
Our Observation of the Day is this exquisite Lavender Sphinx Moth (Batocnema coquerelii) spotted by laurentdemada in Madagascar on Wednesday.
More details at: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/155850775
#SphinxMoth #Madagascar #Biodiversity
#sphinxmoth #Madagascar #biodiversity
A nearly perfect vortex was captured by #Copernicus #Sentinel3 🇪🇺🛰️ off of the coast of #Madagascar 🇲🇬 on 29 March
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1645053781606842368
#Copernicus #Sentinel3 #Madagascar
Coopération décentralisée, éducation, #Francophonie… de nombreux sujets essentiels nourrissent la relation d’amitié entre nos deux pays !
Ravie d’avoir échangé avec le président du Sénat de #Madagascar Herimanana Razafimahefa🇲🇬.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CZacharopoulou/status/1644063997551955973
Did you know that when storms and other natural hazards occur, 🇫🇷 and the 🇪🇺 work together to respond?
In 2022, five tropical storms hit #Madagascar.
See how our coordinated emergency response supported local communities 👉 http://europa.eu/!qVDQyQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_echo/status/1641093219575316482
#Madagascar #TogetherOneStepAhead
The #Catholic Bishops of #Mozambique have made an appeal for solidarity with the victims of #CycloneFreddy, which has ravaged #Madagascar, #Mozambique & #Malawi. The storm killed more than 400 people, rains hampering rescue & humanitarian efforts. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/africa/news/2023-03/mozambique-bishops-launches-appeal-for-solidarity-with-victims.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HolvenyiGyorgy/status/1638069427500359680
#Catholic #Mozambique #CycloneFreddy #Madagascar #Malawi
We have announced 🇪🇺 emergency funding of €2.5 million in humanitarian aid for #Madagascar, #Malawi and #Mozambique, the 3 countries of the region that suffered the most damage from the 2 passages of tropical storm #Freddy in February and March 2023.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanezLenarcic/status/1637705435200339970
#Madagascar #Malawi #Mozambique #Freddy
Did you know that in 2022, five tropical storms hit #Madagascar? 🌀🌧️
To ensure that local communities received the support they needed, the EU and France worked together to respond.
Read more about how we can stay #TogetherOneStepAhead of disasters 👉 http://europa.eu/!BDW4dq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_echo/status/1637408579161579520
#Madagascar #TogetherOneStepAhead
Did you know that in 2022, five tropical storms hit #Madagascar? 🌀🌧️
To ensure that local communities received the support they needed, the EU and France worked together to respond.
Read more about how we can stay #TogetherOneStepAhead of disasters 👉 http://europa.eu/!BDW4dq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_echo/status/1636296525121744903
#Madagascar #TogetherOneStepAhead
How can a map help reduce disaster risks? 🤔
In #Madagascar, @MedairInt's risk mapping workshop is teaching locals how to look at their communities and identify places where possible risks might arise.
Find out how 👉 http://bit.ly/3JEXPis
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_echo/status/1635705447813459968
RT @MariaMercedes_M: We were honored to receive the @EU_ECHO delegation led by @JanezLenarcic & @IsaDelattreMADA in Mananjary #Madagascar. A valuable occasion to show the impact of @MadaRedCross local action and community resilience building through our partnership with @EU_ECHO.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_echo/status/1634157407273189377
J'ai eu la chance de remercier personnellement nos partenaires humanitaires à #Madagascar.
Ce sont eux qui aident à fournir l'assistance sur le terrain aux plus vulnérables – à répondre aux besoins fondamentaux des communautés vulnérables.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanezLenarcic/status/1633886957947240474
Nous finançons également des moyens de transport aérien supplémentaires à #Madagascar, afin de faire en sorte que les travailleurs humanitaires et les approvisionnements atteignent quiconque a besoin d'une aide vitale.
Lisez plus de l'aide de l'🇪🇺🤝 🇲🇬👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanezLenarcic/status/1633793025733173250
Nous sommes plus déterminés que jamais à aider #Madagascar, y compris en soutenant le renforcement de la préparation aux catastrophes et de la réaction face aux urgences climatiques, ainsi qu’en remédiant à l’insécurité alimentaire et à la malnutrition des enfants. 🇪🇺🤝🇲🇬
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanezLenarcic/status/1633791377732513794