I checked. He doesn't play Pubg & doesn't know #MadhanOP. He added his Pubg playing friend told he watch his videos!
I checked browsing & YT history, he's true. I carefully explained the issue & agreed he won't lookup.
Installed coding app & asked to report to me weekly
#MadhanOP's YouTube > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLp_N3aCtPjTLN-snEcNFZA
1. Open the URL
2. Go to About page & look for a 🚩 icon at the bottom.
3. Report user
4. Select "Child endangerment"
5. Paste this link in additional info https://www.chennaimemes.in/police-officials-initiated-serious-investigation-against-madan-op-of-youtube-fame/
6. Submit
7. Post SS here