Greedy, lazy rent-seekers do not change their stripes after one, two, or three get-rich-quick schemes implode.
Expecting the world to give them everything for nothing is the core trait of rich people - not an inexplicable error in judgment. #madoff #enron #ftx #capitalism
#Capitalism #ftx #enron #Madoff
The accurate subtitle would be:
The Monster is Wall Street.
The entire #financial industry *and* the #regulators are his unindicted co-conspirators; his knowing and willing accomplices.
#netfilix #themonsterofwallstreet #Madoff #Regulators #financial
Dr Susanne Trimbath on birdsite:
"Justice Department accused Bankman-Fried of defrauding FTX customers by misappropriating their funds for his personal use." -- UPI
Sounds a lot like #Madoff 2008 #MFGlobal 2011 #Peregrine 2012 .... One more reason not to leave shares with brokers.
#Madoff #MFGlobal #Peregrine #FTX #fraud #DRS #SusanneTrimbathTweet
@yuliyan @tante es gibt keinen gut regulierten Teil der Börse. Und ob Anarchokapitlaisten jetzt auf $HOOD oder auf Bitcoin springen ist halt echt egal. Beides hat keine fundamentals. #Web69 ist nix neues. #Madoff oder #Crypto... Am Ende dasselbe.
Und #PFOF ist bis heute unreguliert aber ein Milliarden Geschäft.