#AppleDay: Because of the heat under their feet on the #Celtic #Otherworld island of the `burning earth`, #MaelDuin and his seafarers had to collect the apples by night. These saved them from hunger and thirst.
Source: Guyonvarc'h/Le Roux `Die #Druiden`
RT @world_mythology@twitter.com
It's #Apple Day in the UK.
In #Irish #mythology, there is a mythical island called Emain Ablach.
"Ablach" means apple.
It is the domain of sea god ManannΓ‘n.
He once gave the branch with soothing, golden apples to legendary High King Cormac in exchange for his family.
#appleday #celtic #otherworld #MaelDuin #Druiden #apple #irish #mythology
On #MaelDuin`s sea voyage to the #Otherworld they rowed for a long time `until another wonderful island showed itself to them, where there was a fabulous forest full of fragrant apples. When the wind moved the treetops, a music sounded that was more beautiful than anything else. The Ui Corra ate a few apples and drank some of the wine from the river that meandered through the middle of the forest. Their hunger & thirst were quenched instantly & they felt neither wounds nor sickness.`
Source: Guyonvarc'h/Le Roux `Die #Druiden`
RT @demonicfront@twitter.com
A Fruit from Emain Ablach
#MaelDuin #otherworld #Druiden