"Do you think he's the murderer?"

"It's worse than that; he's an actor."

— "Gosford Park" (2001)

An Upstairs/Downstairs black comedy/satire slash murder mystery set in a country house on a hunt weekend in 30's Britain.

"Did the Butler Do It?

🎬 Directed by , starring too many great actors to list here, *cough* *cough*.

Written by .

▶️ Trailer Plays Within This Toot ◀️


#UK #Movies #julianfellowes #MaggieSmith #robertaltman

Last updated 1 year ago

Democracy Spot aka "Eddie" · @DemocracySpot
599 followers · 7607 posts · Server mstdn.social

"The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" w/ (1969).

Miss Brodie teaches at an all-girls school in in the 30s. She's "unconventional" and trying to teach her pupils about life, the preciousness of it. Think Robin Williams in "Dead Poets Society." Her character has an out-loud soft spot for fascists, though—Franco and Mussolini.

She's reported for teaching politics and the Headmistress wants her head on a platter ... youtu.be/84MIQ8x44w8

#edinburgh #MaggieSmith #HashtagGames #schoolasongormovie

Last updated 2 years ago

Democracy Spot aka "Eddie" · @DemocracySpot
560 followers · 7029 posts · Server mstdn.social

🎬 Three of my favorite actresses star in "The Miracle Club"— and .

The trailer indicates a feel-good story set in about unwed , the church, regret, , and the healing waters of .

The trailer is ruined by emotionally-manipulative music. Hope the film itself isn't.

Premieres at the in June.


#shaming #pregnant #France #dublin #superstition #faith #Movies #tribecafestival #lourdes #miracles #reconciliation #catholic #mothers #Ireland #LauraLinney #kathybates #MaggieSmith

Last updated 2 years ago

Democracy Spot aka "Eddie" · @DemocracySpot
376 followers · 4007 posts · Server mstdn.social

🎬 Screening now @ in "Travels With My Aunt" (1972).

A treat! Love Dame Maggie and haven't seen this .


#TCMParty #70s #films #Movies #comedy #MaggieSmith #tcm

Last updated 2 years ago

mgray · @mgray
52 followers · 123 posts · Server mstdn.social

The Honey Pot (1967) - 1/4 - Is it a sex comedy? Is it a murder mystery? Why, halfway into the film, have we suddenly started using voice-over? Drawing from a hodgepodge of source material (Mr. Fox of Venice, The Evil of the Day, and Volpone), this film is confused about what it is or should be. Other than some decent performances from its ensemble cast, particularly and , there isn’t too much to recommend this one.

#rexharrison #MaggieSmith

Last updated 2 years ago

mgray · @mgray
56 followers · 156 posts · Server mstdn.social

The Honey Pot (1967) - 1/4 - Is it a sex comedy? Is it a murder mystery? Why, halfway into the film, have we suddenly started using voice-over? Drawing from a hodgepodge of source material (Mr. Fox of Venice, The Evil of the Day, and Volpone), this film is confused about what it is or should be. Other than some decent performances from its ensemble cast, particularly and , there isn’t too much to recommend this one.

#rexharrison #MaggieSmith

Last updated 2 years ago