That's the Lord of Afflictions done! #AoS #Chaos #Maggotkin #Nurgle #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity
#aos #chaos #Maggotkin #Nurgle #warhammer #warhammercommunity
My Maggotkin so far! #AoS #Chaos #Maggotkin #Nurgle #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity
#aos #chaos #Maggotkin #Nurgle #warhammer #warhammercommunity
He has been staring at me from the Project Box for at least a year now so I couldn't help myself. Guess this Maggotkin army is starting off...#AoS #Chaos #Maggotkin #Nurgle #Sorcerer #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity
#aos #chaos #Maggotkin #Nurgle #Sorcerer #warhammer #warhammercommunity
That time #Tamurkhan The Maggot Lord ransacked #Mordheim in its search for The Throne Of Chaos. #Nurgle #Maggotkin #Warhammer
@ErikBB here it is. I've dismantled it now as a roof leaked screwed up the resin pour, and moved the individual buildings to the games club.
#tamurkhan #mordheim #nurgle #Maggotkin #warhammer
Miles you've only painted two minis since your last post. Doesn't matter group photo time. I love looking at these dudes, they're a serious vibe rn.
#warhammercommunity #warmongers #Maggotkin
Zenithal primed and ready to paint. Now all I got to do is think you a colour scheme for the tentacles. Any good ideas? Or should I keep it simple?
#maggotkin #nurgle #warhammercommunity #warhammer #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer
#Maggotkin #Nurgle #warhammercommunity #warhammer #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer
Ok. The Scrivener is done! Just got a bit of the base to do but otherwise the mini is finished. What do you folk think? Absolutely loved painting this fella.
#warhammer #warhammercommunity #nurgle #Maggotkin #minipainting
#warhammer #warhammercommunity #Nurgle #Maggotkin #minipainting
More work has been done, slowly making progress.
Lots still to do.
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #feculentgnarlmaw
"As a proud member of the Maggotkin of Nurgle, I revel in the power of disease and decay. Our use of rot and putrefaction as weapons is a work of art, and I am honored to serve the Great Lord of Decay. #Maggotkin #Nurgle #Warhammer" - this is what ChatGPT gave me when I asked it to write a tweet as a member of nurgle 😂 #ChatGPT #warhammercommunity
#Maggotkin #Nurgle #warhammer #chatgpt #warhammercommunity
Boat has been progressing. Hull is coming on with plenty of texture and Nurgley-ness.
Started base as well.
Priority is sorting connection. Once that is done boat hull can be finished and the rest progressed.
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin
Started a new project, a second Plague Ship for my Drowned Men force. Will count as a terrain piece, a feculent tree.
Lots still to do.
#Nurgle #AoS #DrownedMen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #WarhammerCommunity #PlagueFleet #SlimeFleet #PlagueShip
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #warhammercommunity #plaguefleet #slimefleet #plagueship
While various bits dried on Rotigus I was building a #Harbinger for my Drowned Men force.
Didn't seem right for a Harbinger of Nurgles Slime Fleet to ride a horse. So, little boat...
All blutac'd atm. I may leave off fishing Nurgling due to him not being practical for gaming.
Rider is the best I could do, not 100% decided on pose.
#harbinger #Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers
Another two Pusgoyles and a Lord of Affliction join the Maggotkin ranks.
If I did more I would very much use subassemblies.
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #pusgoyleblightlords
Progressing on three Pusgoyles.
Not looking too bad, but lots left to do.
Hoping they will be finished in a couple of days.
#Nurgle #AoS #DrownedMen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #WarhammerCommunity #PusgoyleBlightlords
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #warhammercommunity #pusgoyleblightlords
Last weekend I was at a #Warcry tournament at Warhammer World.
My first tournie of any kind, wasn't sure what I would make of it but in the end it was very enjoyable.
I was not expecting to face monsters in 'hardcore' lists, it meant my #Maggotkin had no chance in 2 games as in both a Chimera just destroyed them.
I still enjoyed it overall and did better than I thought with one major win.
I walked off with the most sporting award and a Chimera, as a sorry for having to face two of them...
I finished the Pusgoyle Blightlords today. Happy overall.
As mentioned I will be having a different flesh tone for each mount & rider (3 more to do). First two being Blue and Green, reckon an orange, white and brown will follow.
#Nurgle #AoS #Rotbringers #Maggotkin #PusgoyleBlightlords #WarhammerCommunity #DrownedMen
#Nurgle #aos #Rotbringers #Maggotkin #pusgoyleblightlords #warhammercommunity #drownedmen
For a change a post with some WIP pictures.
Very nearly finished Pusgoyle Blightlords. They will be part of my Drowned Men force.
I have more to do and I intend to have each one with a different skin colour, with mount matching rider.
Hopefully finish these tonight.
#Nurgle #AoS #DrownedMen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #PusgoyleBlightlords #DrownedMen
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #pusgoyleblightlords
I forgot to mention, his name is Fluffy.
Some shots of the howdah, including a couple WIP ones. Basic shape was done in styrene, than I built up the walls and floors over the styrene, before adding the tree, blending it in and adding textures and details.
#Nurgle #WarMammoth #AoS #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #SlavesToDarkness
#Nurgle #WarMammoth #aos #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #slavestodarkness
So, following on let's show one of the models above in more detail.
Nurgle War Mammoth, FW body but scratch built howdah and converted crew from Wurmspat, Nurgle BB team, Blightlord, Blightkings and Ungors (possibly more, can't remember).
#Nurgle #WarMammoth #AoS #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #SlaveToDarkness
#Nurgle #WarMammoth #aos #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #SlaveToDarkness