#MTG intro!
Started playing in 1995
First Pre-Release: Never played a pre-release (first pack: Ice Age)
Favourite format: Extended
Favourite card: Wild Mongrel
Playstyle: Aggro / Combo
Guild: Rakdos
Plane: Dominaria
MTGArena Avatar: Ashiok
#MTGArena #MagictheGathering #MTG
It'd be fun to see yours☺️
#mtg #mtgarena #MagicTheGathering
I found these little containers that can keep 30-something unsleeved cards, so hopefully 20 double sleeved cards.
Now I am choosing cards from old sets. Various possible choices: Alpha through Fallen Empires (Old School), or just old frame (Premodern)
The basic idea is to combine two 20-card decks to make a unique 40-card deck like in the original Jumpstart.
I will use small stickers to tell each 20-card deck apart.
#mtg #MagicTheGathering #oldschool
🇬🇧 I was thinking about making a Jumpstart-like deck collection with just old border cards. Each 20-card deck can be mixed with another to create a full 40-card deck. What themes would you like to see?
🇮🇹 Sto pensando di creare una collezione di mazzetti simil-Jumpstart ma con sole carte con la vecchia cornice. Ogni mazzetto da 20 carte può essere unito a un'altro per creare un mazzo completo. Che mazzi tematici vorreste vedere?
#MagicTheGathering #mtg #kitchentablemagic
i want to thank my three opponents on #Spelltable tonight for a game of Commander that made me laugh until I cried and/or wheezed. good game, y'all. very good game. #MagicTheGathering
#spelltable #MagicTheGathering
Chatterfang is one of my favorite #Commander decks but for some reason I'd never built it on Arena until the other day.
to everyone who plays forests in Historic Brawl, I apologize. being beaten to death by an unblockable squirrel is no way to die. #MagicTheGathering
tfw you're listening to a Magic podcast and find out that a card you're pretty sure you dug out of a bulk bin seven years ago is going for $50. #MagicTheGathering
This… sold for around $2750. I’m not here to judge what folks spend their money on. I spent almost $1000 trying to catch up to my already established #MagicTheGathering #MTG friends and most to all of those cards are no longer legal. Also, nobody plays anymore.
But still, at least I can play pick-up games with them…
playing a Kayla bin Kroog brawl deck and twice tonight I've lost to Urza decks 🙃 #MagicTheGathering
drafted #MagicTheGathering in paper for the first time in...several years and went 3-0. I AM THE UNDEFEATED CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!*
world = my draft pod at my LGS
RT @GreggMTG
OK y'all. This is not a drill. This job will literally require you to talk about Magic rules *all day long*—and I estimate the number of necessary "well actually" moments will be at least 5 per day. You know what to do! https://boards.greenhouse.io/wizardsofthecoast/jobs/6483805002 #MTG #WOTCstaff #MagicTheGathering
#MTG #WOTCstaff #MagicTheGathering
I'm Mystayre, a freelance illustrator who is in TCG hell.
#introduction #cfv #cfvanguard #cardfightvanguard #mtg #MagicTheGathering #yugioh #ygo #anime #videogames #art #artist #artistsonmastodon
C'è qualcuno che gioca a Magic: The Gathering su Cockatrice? Non sono tanto in grado di andare su Magic: Arena visto che ad ogni uscita espansione preoccupo di perdermi molto.
Dato che moltissimi giocano su Commander mi servirebbe almeno che qualcuno mi spiegasse come si gioca. Io sono ero un giocatore del formato Constructed, ed insomma non vedo tanto un motivo perché dovrei sentire tranquillo di riprenderlo.
Adoro le carte e il gameplay, ma odio il fatto che paghi.
Ciao a tutti,
Non sono proprio appena arrivato ma colgo l'occasione per fare la mia #presentazione .
Sono dell'ottanta ed è da natale di quest'anno che ho riscoperto una vecchia passione sopita: i videogiochi.
La mia preferenza va al retrogaming. Prevalentemente #commodore64 #Amiga500 #megadrive real hardware con periferiche moderne.
Gioco a #MagicTheGathering e mi piace il cinema e la musica.
Non sono molto avvezzo ai social quindi sto cercando pian piano di capire un po' come funziona.
#presentazione #commodore64 #Amiga500 #megadrive #MagicTheGathering
Eccole qua, le dieci terre fullart in stile tradizionale giapponese Ukiyo-e provenienti dalla nuova meravigliosa espansione Kamigawa Neon Dinasty, prese e incorniciate. Che gioiellini ♥️