#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS | Memory Lane | #5G | #MIGRATION | #Sharks (#KEYSTONES) use #Earth’s #Magnetic_Field to #Navigate the #Seas | Sharks use Earth’s magnetic field to navigate the seas | Most Uber drivers need a smartphone to get to their destinations. But sharks, it seems, need nothing more than their own bodies—and Earth’s magnetic field.
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced...
#seas #navigate #Magnetic_Field #earth #Keystones #sharks #migration #5g #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#BIG_TECH | Memory Lane | #5G | #MIGRATION | #Sharks use #Earth’s #Magnetic_Field to #Navigate the #Seas |
Sharks use Earth’s magnetic field to navigate the seas |
A new study suggests some sharks can read Earth’s field like a map and use it to navigate the open seas. The result adds sharks to the long list of animals—including birds, sea turtles, and lobsters—that navigate with a mysterious magnetic sense.
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic ...
#seas #navigate #Magnetic_Field #earth #sharks #migration #5g #big_tech
#BIG_TECH | #Animal #Internal_Navigation_Systems 動物體內導航系統 |
The Earth's #Magnetic_Field runs in curves all around the #globe from the #south magnetic pole to the #north #magnetic_pole.
Animals equipped with #internal_compasses are able to #navigate by #analyzing its #direction, #intensity or #inclination to determine their location or direction.
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image u...
#inclination #intensity #direction #analyzing #navigate #internal_compasses #magnetic_pole #north #south #globe #Magnetic_Field #Internal_Navigation_Systems #animal #big_tech