Alexander Rogge · @alexanderrogge
43 followers · 1896 posts · Server
Twisted Eagle · @TwistedEagle
878 followers · 24411 posts · Server

Level 4 Solar Storm last night reached KP 8 last night, and sent aurora clear down to Kentucky 😱😱😱😱

This filament release CME was 5% as strong as the Carington Event. The KP Index shouldn't have gotten above 4-5 if it were at normal strength.

This is one more example of the reduced strength of earth's πŸ‘Ž

What this means is that it will take less CME to take down the grid πŸ€·β€β™‚


Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Fischer · @cosmos4u
1348 followers · 2253 posts · Server

A Localized and Surprising Source of Energetic Ions in the Uranian Between Miranda and Ariel: -> Two of ’ Moons May Harbor Active Oceans, Radiation Data - from 2 - Suggests:

#voyager #uranus #Magnetosphere

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Fischer · @cosmos4u
1240 followers · 1867 posts · Server
Daniel Fischer · @cosmos4u
1238 followers · 1809 posts · Server

Radio interferometric observations of the LSR J1835+3259 reveal an extended with a morphology compatible with the presence of a , similar to that of Jupiter and Earth: - radio emitting ultracool dwarfs may behave as scaled up versions of Jupiter, validating the connection between dipole-ordered magnetic fields and the presence of belt-like morphologies and aurorae beyond our Solar System.

#radiationbelt #Magnetosphere #browndwarf

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Fischer · @cosmos4u
1180 followers · 1456 posts · Server

NASA has awarded a task order to provide launch service for the agency’s Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers (ESCAPADE) mission: - will launch on Blue Origin’s rocket and study ’ using two identical small spacecraft, which will provide simultaneous two-point observations.

#Magnetosphere #mars #newglenn #escapade #blueorigin

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Fischer · @cosmos4u
1101 followers · 1194 posts · Server

After 30 years in orbit, mission operations for the joint NASA-JAXA spacecraft have ended, after the failure of the spacecraft’s remaining data recorder: - since its launch on July 24, 1992, Geotail gathered an immense dataset on the structure and dynamics of the . Geotail was originally slated for a four-year run, but the mission was extended several times due to its high-quality data return, which contributed to over 1000 scientific publications.

#Magnetosphere #geotail

Last updated 2 years ago

· @NaturalNews
5867 followers · 26984 posts · Server
· @NaturalNews
5620 followers · 25872 posts · Server
Twisted Eagle · @TwistedEagle
847 followers · 19250 posts · Server

The reason for these strong cold dips clear into southern Florida is because of the caused by the weakening .
The jetstreams have been out of zonal flow since 2018, and have begun to cross the Equatorial Ridge in 2020 😱😱😱😱
It's NEVER done that since humans have had the technology to observe the path of the jetstreams πŸ€·β€β™‚πŸ€ͺ
That's why the weather has been so "historic" in the last few years πŸ€£πŸ‘
We have new phenomenon that requires new names for weather events that we have never seen before 😡
Things like "Derichos" and "atmospheric rivers" didn't exit in 2017 πŸ€£πŸ€·β€β™‚
Note how large the jetstream that's crossing the equator is... This is going to get worse, and if the models that track the solar magnetism that controls the largest source of energy protection from cosmic rays hold true, 2024 is going to be even more epic than than 2022 😡😡😡😡

#Magnetosphere #MeridionalJetstreams

Last updated 2 years ago

Twisted Eagle · @TwistedEagle
847 followers · 19250 posts · Server

The north magnetic pole has moved another 6.2 miles south.

It is almost right over the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

It's moving a little over one mile per week and will reach the 40 Degree Mark in 3 months. This is the theoretical point where the pole enters the weak field lines of the magnetic toroid. Theoretically the pole can speed up at that point.

As the poles flip, the gets weaker and the energy from space gets stronger πŸ‘Ž

Those cosmic rays increase volcanism, weather intensity, electrical disturbance, and people's minds πŸ‘Ž

This extra energy causes:

#PsychologicalEvents #EmotionalBreakdowns #Glaciation #AtmosphericCompression #SuperEruptions #ColdWeatherCropLosses #HotColdHot #MeridionalJetstreams #AtmosphericRiverEvents #StratosphericInjections #NewCloudLayers #HailEvents #ArkStorms #LightningEvents #Magnetosphere

Last updated 2 years ago

PlasmaNerd · @PlasmaNerd
170 followers · 199 posts · Server

Awesome set of talks just now from the - I might be a bit biased but I think they have had the best movies of the session!

Photo by

#Magnetosphere #SpacePhysics #AGU22

Last updated 2 years ago

PlasmaNerd · @PlasmaNerd
162 followers · 184 posts · Server
PlasmaNerd · @PlasmaNerd
52 followers · 42 posts · Server

I did my postdoc working on the BARREL (Balloon Array for Relativistic Radiation Belt Electron Loss). I gave a seminar once that made it on YouTube that you can see to learn more about some of that work

BARREL looked at how particles in - in our get lost in our . It was a ton of fun and I hope to launch many more balloons in the future (But rockets and satellites are also really cool too!)

#Atsmosphere #Magnetosphere #space

Last updated 2 years ago