@mahara @anitsirk My absolute delight to work with Dr. Cathy Elliott on this!
I loved seeing the amazing work the students produced. This experience has further ignited my passion for innovative educational approaches such as #portfolios and I look forward to more collaborations like this. #Mahara #CreativeEducation
#portfolios #Mahara #creativeeducation
I’ve moved servers so reposting my #introduction :
I’m Aurélie. Home is #Swindon.
I’m a mother, a girlfriend, a hiker, a teacher, a lifelong-learner, a coach, a listener (but also a talker!), a nature-lover, a company director, a Welsh-learner, a maps-lover, a card-player, a coffee lover, an average cook, a very bad gardener, a pet-mum. I’m an #opensource #community builder, a networker, a human-believer.
All about #OpenEdTech #edtechhuman #dysguCymraeg #hiking #Moodle #Mahara
Big love 💚
#Introduction #Swindon #opensource #community #openedtech #edtechhuman #dysguCymraeg #hiking #moodle #Mahara