It’s been 106 days since the death of #MahsAmini and the protests in #Iran are still happening despite the heavy crack down. What is your opinion on the outcome?
It is a revolution and they will topple the regime eventually.
These protests won’t topple the regime.
Too soon to have an opinion.
It seems that the global political leadership is waiting out the freedom revolution in #Iran
Well let me tell you a secret: when WOMEN in a society raise up,there is no going back!
You have 2 choices: stand with freedom.Or stand with the oppressors.
I choose freedom! #mahsamini
RT @GEsfandiari: Very worrying ! Iran has accused journalists, Niloufar Hamedi & Elaheh Mohammadi of being trained U.S. agents. Hamedi was among the first to report on #Mahsamini’ s hospitalization & Mohammadi covered Amini’s funeral. They did their job.
#Mahsamini #JournalismIsNotACrime
RT @gobadi: Rasht- This evening- 14th day of nationwide uprising in #Iran- People chant “down with the dictator”
People’s resilience is amazing. Via #MEK network in Iran. #IranProtests #IranRevolution #mahsamini
#iran #MEK #IranProtests #IranRevolution #Mahsamini
RT @AmeliaValcarcel: Si dentro de un rato no sabes de nosotras...que sepas que será porque están cortando internet. Si no podemos pasaros nuestra voz... ayudadnos a decir su nombre: #Mahsamini