#OTD in 1989, the Belgian writer Georges #Simenon died, aged 86. I enjoyed reading his « Commissaire #Maigret » very much, but I also liked the film versions with Jean #Gabin or Bruno #Cremer.
📚 #books #booklover #CrimeNovel #Belgium #Belgique 🇧🇪🇪🇺
#belgique #belgium #crimenovel #booklover #Books #Cremer #gabin #Maigret #simenon #otd
I've read the 1941 book Cours d'Assises by George #Simenon (translated in Ducht as De zaak Louis Bert). Simenon is famous for his detective novels starring inspector #Maigret, so it was very interesting to me that this psychological novel was a sort of anti-detective, anti-policier. The protagonist is a small-time crook who ends up in a monstrous judicial machinery that cares only about itself, its process, its judgements, and not at all about the people it judges.
Ich habe die Neuverfilmung von »Maigret« mit Gérard Dépardieu endlich auch gesehen und fand sie ziemlich lahm. In meinem Blog schrieb ich einige Zeilen dazu. Hier:
Opnieuw dank voor de tip. Ik zal eens kijken, omdat ik Wallander erg goed en vooral menselijk vond.
En dat is juist het verschil met die oudjes, zoals #Maigret.
📖 War mir neu: Paul Celan hat zwei Maigret-Romane übersetzt.
Nun lockt es mich, die Übersetzungen von Celan (Kiepenheuer & Witsch), Elfriede Riegler (Diogenes Verlag) und Rainer Moritz (Kampa Verlag) miteinander zu vergleichen.😊 Anderes Jahrzehnt, anderer Ansatz, vermute ich. Und ja, ich finde das spannend.
#Simenon #PaulCelan #Maigret #Übersetzung #übersetzen #NameTheTranslator #Kriminalroman #Krimi #KiepenheuerUndWitsch #DiogenesVerlag @diogenesverlag #KampaVerlag
#KampaVerlag #diogenesverlag #kiepenheuerundwitsch #krimi #kriminalroman #NameTheTranslator #ubersetzen #Ubersetzung #Maigret #paulcelan #Simenon
Tolle Rezension, die Lust gibt
Filmtipp – Maigret mit Gérard Depardieu
Er gehört zu den bekanntesten Kriminalkommissaren der Welt: Kommissar Maigret. Und weil er so bekannt ist, und weil seine Geschichten so viele schon gelesen haben – gibt es auch viele, viele Verfilmungen. Nun schafft es eine neue Verfilmung sogar wieder bis ins Kino und bleibt nicht auf irgendeinem Fernsehkanal stecken: „Maigret“ mit Gérard Depardieu.
I'm reading my second #Maigret book of the year. And I have to say they oversold him as a detective. All he does is potter about in beautifully pitched mid 20th century France, letting stuff happen around him until the mystery is solved.
Wonderful piece about Georges Simenon @bookstodon
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/10/10/crime-pays-joan-acocella #Simenon #maigret
[1969] BBC Play of the Month - "Maigret at Bay", Maigret responds to a call from a young woman in the middle of the night, but he then finds himself accused of raping her. He is forced to clear his name, and search for what had really taken place that night. Starring Rupert Davies, Helen Shingler and Yootha Joyce.
I'm reading #PietrTheLatvian, the first #Maigret book by #GeorgesSimenon. I'm not sure if it's him or the translator, but there are exclamation marks everywhere and I'm cringing each time I hit one...
"The look that fell on her was Maigret through and through! Completely calm! Completely unruffled!"
#GeorgesSimenon #Maigret #pietrthelatvian
Back to #maigret and thinking a lot of the poison in late season relationships is believing that someone new and younger will somehow save you from yourself. Either you have the gumption to transform your life or you don't.
"INTERVIEWER - What do you mean by “too literary”? What do you cut out, certain kinds of words?
SIMENON - Adjectives, adverbs, and every word which is there just to make an effect. Every sentence which is there just for the sentence. You know, you have a beautiful sentence—cut it. Every time I find such a thing in one of my novels it is to be cut."
#Simenon #Maigret #TheParisReview
#theparisreview #Maigret #simenon