Daily Notes for 2023-05-17
MailMate and org-mode bundle, more org-gtd, the dysfunctional orbit of Windows and Linux UX, my weird Electra Townie.
#daily #OrgGTD #MailMate #Windows #DesktopLinux #ElectraTownie #bikes
#daily #orggtd #Mailmate #windows #desktoplinux #electratownie #bikes
Finding an org-contact record's emails in MailMate and events in Google Calendar
Looking up email histories and past Google Calendar events from org-contacts, and a few ideas about how to schedule time with people.
#orgmode #MailMate #GoogleCalendar #emacs #PRM
#orgmode #Mailmate #googlecalendar #emacs #prm
Daily Notes for 2023-04-25
Mail restlessness alights on MailMate, editing web forms in Emacs with Atomic Chrome, org-recur for simple and readable recurrence, GUI org-capture with Captee, more on my org PRM.
#daily #emacs #MailMate #email #AtomicChrome #Captee
#daily #emacs #Mailmate #email #atomicchrome #captee
@EshuMarneedi @ivory The fact that I don’t like the way that Apple makes apps for the Mac in 2023 is indeed a problem. I am looking for Mac software that refuses to follow Apple’s lead blindly and strives to preserve what I feel is REAL “Mac-ness”. One shining example for me right now is #MailMate. Now THAT’s a real Mac app as far as I am concerned. Tight, lean, fast, powerful, with no frills, no silly animations. It’s not perfect (nothing is), but it is a real model to follow.
@neil @jmtd #Thunderbird is what I'm switching to. If you are on a #Mac, #Mailmate by Freron is excellent.