As much as I see the value in #QuoteToots and #QuoteTweets, they are inevitably used mostly for #dunking. There are entire accounts who have built their personality around being a #MainCharacter inviting people to dunk on them for massive reach or actively seek out targets for dunking (usually to send their following after them to do the same). This happens at small and large scale. This hostile use crowds out valuable uses by wide enough margins that I consider it to be a failed feature.
It's not that someone can't dunk or be dunked on, but putting up barriers (copy/paste the URL which requires an extra click, screenshots which require extra steps, etc) greatly limits it. Until I see some ideas on how to contain the hostile and malicious uses, it should be considered unviable here.
#QuoteToots #quotetweets #dunking #MainCharacter
@xan Is the #fediverse starting to import the #MainCharacter concept from the #birdsite? Did I miss it?
#fediverse #MainCharacter #birdsite
Help me with this?
#elomimatildabra #pinkhairdontcare #pinkhair #maincharacter #badassbitch #bustygirls #bustingout #busty #bustywomen #buttonupshirt #comingundone #blueeyes #thickerthanasnicker #palegirl #thickwhitegirls #thickthighs #chubbygirl #chubbyonlyfangirl #onlyfanspromo #onlyfansbabe #onlyfansgirl #thighpudge #thighsquish
#elomimatildabra #pinkhairdontcare #pinkhair #MainCharacter #badassbitch #bustygirls #bustingout #busty #bustywomen #buttonupshirt #ComingUndone #blueeyes #thickerthanasnicker #palegirl #thickwhitegirls #thickthighs #chubbygirl #chubbyonlyfangirl #onlyfanspromo #onlyfansbabe #onlyfansgirl #thighpudge #ThighSquish
Hello Mastodon, care to help me with these buttons?
#elomimatildabra #pinkhairdontcare #pinkhair #maincharacter #badassbitch #bustygirls #bustingout #busty #bustywomen #buttonupshirt #comingundone #blueeyes #thickerthanasnicker #palegirl #thickwhitegirls #thickthighs #chubbygirl #chubbyonlyfangirl #onlyfanspromo #onlyfansbabe #onlyfansgirl #thighpudge #thighsquish
#elomimatildabra #pinkhairdontcare #pinkhair #MainCharacter #badassbitch #bustygirls #bustingout #busty #bustywomen #buttonupshirt #ComingUndone #blueeyes #thickerthanasnicker #palegirl #thickwhitegirls #thickthighs #chubbygirl #chubbyonlyfangirl #onlyfanspromo #onlyfansbabe #onlyfansgirl #thighpudge #ThighSquish
So if there's no algorithm, how can someone become the #MainCharacter of #Mastodon?
Anyone Can Be a VTuber. Here's How to Get Started
#Culture/VideoGames #gamingculture #MainCharacter #videogames #Culture #Twitch
#culture #gamingculture #MainCharacter #videogames #twitch
Final piece of this set of the Musashi Gangbang!!! its now Shota Main Character's turn to fuck the samurai boy hopefully Musashi can endure the true power of the Rule of Rending >;3
i still have a few housamo boys i want to draw, but i think my next few posts are gonna be OC-related before i return to them <3
#shota #hungshota #TokyoAfterschoolSummoners #housamo #musashi #MainCharacter
#hungshota #TokyoAfterschoolSummoners #musashi #MainCharacter #shota #housamo