RT Serdal: #Streik bei @amazonDE in Bad Hersfeld und ich liebe alle dran! #makeamazonpay #PrimeDay2023 https://t.co/INLQz3AKgC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Serdal_90erBj/status/1678787444747956225
#Streik #MakeAmazonPay #PrimeDay2023
Amazon exploits its workers, the planet and our communities and barely pays any taxes whilst doing so. We will not stand by and let it happen.
That is why I joined @UNI_Europa to play #Amazonopoly ahead of this #BlackFriday day of resistance. Time to #MakeAmazonPay ✊
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1596083542517170178
#Amazonopoly #blackfriday #MakeAmazonPay
No rescaldo da black friday, cyber monday e demais celebrações, coisas que importa não esquecer: direitos laborais e justiça climática.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/joseggusmao/status/1597568472233701376
An #BlackFriday war ich in Achim um die Kolleg:innen zu unterstützen, die am neuen #Amazon Standort erstmalig gestreikt haben.
Wenn Bezos heute zu den reichsten Männern der Welt zählt, dann nur weil rund 1,6 Mio Beschäftigte weltweit diesen Wohlstand erarbeiten.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/OezlemADemirel/status/1596446059571683329
#blackfriday #Amazon #MakeAmazonPay
💪Solidaridad con todos los trabajadores de Amazon en huelga en todo el mundo en su luchar por condiciones de trabajo dignas y el fin del acoso laboral.
Estamos con vosotras/os 🙌
#MakeAmazonPay @AmazonEnLucha
Jeg kommer aldrig til at sige, man ikke må shoppe på #BlackFriday. Med høj inflation og usikkerhed kan man måske få julegaven sikret.
Støt i stedet din lokale virksomhed 🙏 for @amazon spekulerer i international skattesnyd, løndumping og horrible arbejdsvilkår.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MarianneVind/status/1596043483231719425
Oggi c’è il #BlackFriday, ma gli sconti per #Amazon sono stati già fin troppi: è ora che tutte le grandi multinazionali rispettino i #lavoratori, l’ambiente e la comunità, pagando finalmente le #tasse nei Paesi in cui operano.
È una questione di giustizia.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/brandobenifei/status/1596190657323859971
#blackfriday #Amazon #lavoratori #tasse #MakeAmazonPay
RT @PeoplesMomentum@twitter.com
What better way to celebrate #BlackFriday than by helping to #MakeAmazonPay ✊ https://twitter.com/ProgIntl/status/1596066893487476737
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PeoplesMomentum/status/1596082694311518208
#Amazon werknemers over de hele wereld staken vandaag voor hun werkomstandigheden, lonen en democratie. In Duitsland 🇩🇪, in het bijzonder in #Achim waar dit de eerste staking ooit is! Gefeliciteerd! #MakeAmazonPay #Streik
#Amazon #Achim #MakeAmazonPay #Streik
Les travailleurs d'#Amazon à travers le monde sont en grève aujourd'hui pour leurs conditions de travail, salaires et démocratie. En Allemagne 🇩🇪, notamment, à #Achim où c'est la première grève jamais! Félicitations ! #MakeAmazonPay #Streik
#Amazon #Achim #MakeAmazonPay #Streik
Today is the day. Don't buy from #Amazon. Workers and citizens in over 35 countries launch a global day of strikes and protests to #MakeAmazonPay
Today is the day. Don't buy from #Amazon. Workers and citizens in over 35 countries launch a global day of strikes and protests to #MakeAmazonPay
Hoy👇 Trabajadorxs de Amazon de todo el mundo están en huelga para reclamar mejores condiciones de trabajo y mejores salarios.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MEugeniaRPalop/status/1596059449319645186
Amazon likes to play Monopoly. With every 'Chance' it gets, it’ll take money out of the 'Community Chest' at the expense of its workers. Amazon won’t get a 'Get Of Jail Free' card on my watch.
I played Amazonopoly with @UNI_Europa ahead of #BlackFriday. Time to #MakeAmazonPay!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/a_jongerius/status/1595759211098607617
RT @a_jongerius: Amazon likes to play Monopoly. With every 'Chance' it gets, it’ll take money out of the 'Community Chest' at the expense of its workers. Amazon won’t get a 'Get Of Jail Free' card on my watch.
I played Amazonopoly with @UNI_Europa ahead of #BlackFriday. Time to #MakeAmazonPay!
Denna veckan spelade jag ett både roligt och upplysande spel !
#amazonopoly #MakeAmazonPay
@UNI_Europa @Handels_facket
RT @Left_EU: Today, our MEPs played a game of Amazonopoly.
Sounds fun, but there is nothing fun about
⚫️Tax avoidance
⚫️Worker exploitation
⚫️Environmental damage
This Black Friday it's time to #MakeAmazonPay !
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MalinBjork_EU/status/1595699172241510403
Today, our MEPs played a game of Amazonopoly.
Sounds fun, but there is nothing fun about
⚫️Tax avoidance
⚫️Worker exploitation
⚫️Environmental damage
This Black Friday it's time to #MakeAmazonPay !
RT @nvillumsen: Today I took a shot at the #Amazonopoly game by @UNI_Europa with some of my colleagues from @Left_EU.
Playing against a giant like #Amazon is hard, so we all lost. Only with strong Unions can workers succeed.
Their exploitation of workers is anything but a game.
#Amazonopoly #Amazon #MakeAmazonPay
Tomorrow, Black Friday, is also #MakeAmazonPay day.