Our profile pic is a tribute to Juanita Brooks (1898-1989), historian and memoirist, recently memorialized with this statue in her longtime hometown of St. George, UT. Brooks was not specifically a historian of LDS women, but she continues to inspire many of us to get to work. #mormonwomenshistory #ldswomen #ldshistodon #ldshistory #wellbehavedwomen #makehistory
#MakeHistory #wellbehavedwomen #ldshistory #ldshistodon #ldswomen #mormonwomenshistory
RT @ConorHouston_: Final day of #AE22 Campaign
Tomorrow, I’m asking the people of #Strangford to #MakeHistory #VoteHouston #No1
#Passionate #Progressive #Positive 🙌🗳
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/BillyKelleherEU/status/1521746221278416901
#ae22 #Strangford #MakeHistory #VoteHouston #No1 #Passionate #progressive #positive
"Siamo persone, non algoritmi! Basta correre!".
Questo recitava uno striscione esposto a uno dei tanti picchetti che, da questa mattina, si stanno svolgendo fuori dai vari magazzini del colosso americano in tutta Italia.
Tra i motivi dello sciopero i ritmi di lavoro estenuanti e l'enorme precarizzazione di una fetta consistente di coloro che prestano la loro opera per l'azienda di Bezos.
#MakeHistory #StrikeHard #WhiteMonday #amazon