Love the riff in The Mask episode of season 13 referencing the Entourage HBO show! It hits on more than one level. #MST3K #TheMask #EntourageHBO #Season13 #LOL #Gizmoplex #MakeMoreMST3K
#MakeMoreMST3K #Gizmoplex #lol #season13 #entouragehbo #themask #mst3k
Let's make more #MST3K!
I just backed the #MakeMoreMST3K Kickstarter.
@JoelGHodgson, do you think you could bring your German #MST3K #DerFilm voices @twitkalk #OliverWelke to the #Gizmoplex for a special live event or full dubbs?
#mst3k #MakeMoreMST3K #DerFilm #oliverwelke #Gizmoplex
From Tom Servo:
Listen up! @JoelGHodgson just revealed the BONUS CHALLENGES for the #MakeMoreMST3K Kickstarter. To unlock FREE BONUS REWARDS, we need to reach 18,500 backers before Weds, April 20. Pledge now – even $1 helps! – at
In a lighter note, #MakeMoreMST3K is now live and already looking good to reach most of their goals. Already backed this.