· @JanieMac
7 followers · 6 posts · Server kolektiva.social

To All you NHS Clappers
And the Rainbow painters
Doorstep solidarity partakers
and you thank you campaigners
I hope we will we see you again in equal numbers
The date to remember is the 15th of December
What better show to give our NHS
Than a real show of solidarity on their doorsteps
Not ours
So I look forward to meeting you outside our local hospital
Shoulder to shoulder we shall stand with our nurses
There is nothing you can tell me is more important.
What things have you got to do on that day?
That outweigh the Needs of saving our NHS
And then again to prove we are not one hit wonders we will do it all again on the 20th


#MakeSomeNoise #we #SupportTheStrikes

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Koester · @chris
46 followers · 597 posts · Server mastodon.rzgierskopp.de