I'm a student and engineer in Tokyo, studying Japanese and working on #electronics and #3DPrinting projects in my spare time
I previously built out an off-grid campervan (see https://van.maroukis.net)
interested in #hackerspace and #makerspace #community for self sufficiency also #woodworking #obsidian #pkm #surfing #climbing
#climbing #surfing #pkm #Obsidian #WoodWorking #Community #Makerspace #hackerspace #3DPrinting #Electronics #Introduction
this #3DPrinting project is coming along - learning to make an enclosure for a custom pcb. Created the shell and added standoffs and pin connectors #projectLog #project2032 #hackerspace #makerspace #3dprinting #fusion360 #diy
#DIY #fusion360 #Makerspace #hackerspace #project2032 #projectlog #3DPrinting
It is an excellent day: just got word that I have funding for my #textiles #makerspace student staff next year! 🥳
(Also some supplies money so I don't have to buy all our thread and sewing needles out-of-pocket.) 🥰 #DigitalHumanities
#digitalhumanities #Makerspace #textiles
Jetzt wird’s interessant: DIY Quantenverschlüsselung 😱😅 https://re-publica.com/de/session/abhoersichere-nachrichten-do-it-yourself-quantenverschluesselung #rp23 #makerspace #quantumencryption
#quantumencryption #Makerspace #rp23
Im ZTL wird's heiß! Wir backen 😍
Hey, heute noch nix vor in #Landau? Das ZTL hat Tag der offenen Tür, ich zeige u.a. die Amateurfunkstation und bin als DL0ZTL auf QO-100 unterwegs.
Komm vorbei! 🙂
#landau #maker #Makerspace #amateurfunk #hamradio
#project2033 #projectLog 3D printed the first test run for my garmin sports watch holder, added a through hole for the charging cable and an inset divet for the heart rate monitor sensor which extrudes 2mm on the back #3dprinting #maker #hackerspace #makerspace
#Makerspace #hackerspace #maker #3DPrinting #project2033 #projectlog
Maker spaces and citizen science are a perfect match! By providing access to tools, equipment, and resources, maker spaces can empower individuals to participate in scientific research and innovation. Through this collaboration, communities can come together to explore new ideas, solve problems, and contribute to scientific advancement. #Makerspace #CitizenScience #Libraries
#libraries #citizenscience #Makerspace
### Diese Woche im ZTL.space! Der Landauer Makerspace!
* :star: 11.4. - ZTL Open Space, alle willkommen!
* :star: 12.4. - [Hackmeck mit @mona, Special 'Das 433 MHz Band angucken'](https://events.ztl.space/hackmeck230412/)
* :star: 14.4. - Elektronik-Ecke defragmentieren
* :star: 14.4. - Freifunk Treffen
* :star: 15.4. - [Einweisung Vertikal-Bandsäge](https://events.ztl.space/bandsaege23/)
* :star: 15.4. - [ZTL Sicherheitsunterweisung](https://events.ztl.space/ztlsicher23a/)
Diese Woche im ztl.space in Landau
* Dienstag: Open Space, allgemeiens Treffen, macherdaa.ch Vorbereitungen
* Mittwoch: Hackmeck mit Mona
* Donnerstag: Linux User Group, Vortrag Grundlagen
* Freitag: Hausautomation mit Sprachassistent "Heidi"
Alle Veranstaltungen im ZTL.space hier:
#maker #Makerspace #landau #linux
When we get new equipment at the #makerspace I have to test it out to learn how it works. Couldn’t resist making a fancy new tumbler.
Hey, out #lumenpnp pick and place machine has moved for the first time! #maker #makerspace @stargirl @casartar @banshee091 😀
Das Leben durch die VR-Brille geniessen?
Am 11. März testen & ausprobieren - im ZTL in Landau.
Preparing to teach a class on #fusion360 at our #makerspace. Trying to come up with a good starter project to model that would cover a lot of the basic tools. Nothing too fancy, but using planes, lofts, patterns, etc. Anyone have any ideas?
Just found out someone started an amazing woodworking maker space here in #Boise and it looks very well done, lot of space, good tools and big tables for assembly.
#Makerspace #WoodWorking #boise
Making #neurdy stuff. But also prototypes and processes for helping #neurodivergent and #ActuallyAutistic makers and creators get all the orders they want in their #etsyshopowner and #shopify stores 💚
#Makerspace #autisticmakers #autisticartist #crafting #shopify #etsyshopowner #ActuallyAutistic #neurodivergent #neurdy
Exklusiv für Lehrerinnen und und Lehrer in der Südpfalz: Tech-Info-Talk zum Thema chatGPT.
Wann? Am Mittwoch, den 8. Februar 2023, 16 Uhr im Studienzentrum Germersheim.
Am Donnerstag, den 9. Februar 2023, 16 Uhr im Makerspace in Landau.
Anmeldung info@technetz-suedpfalz.de
It seems every single other person on this large #makerspace mailing list has opinions on pros and cons of different machines, while I'm over here in the Textile Makerspace wishing it would stop just long enough for me to ask about #embroidery design digitization.
Guess I'm the makerspace black sheep? But sheep have wool that can be spun into yarn for our knitting machine, so that's fine.
Hello everyone, I'm Kellen. I'm a #librarian from Ohio that oversees a #makerspace. My primary hobby is #boardgames though I also play #pokemon especially since SV came out.
I've gotten into #pottery lately and I'm working (slowly) toward having my own studio.
I left Twitter for good a month or so ago and this is my third server as I try and find a spot that works for my needs in social media.
#introduction #librarian #Makerspace #boardgames #pokemon #pottery