What a Time to be a researcher!! #MakingKinWithTrees
(Lasst mich wissen, falls Ihr Interesse an meiner Wohlleben -Lektüre habt...https://www.wehrhahn-verlag.de/public/index.php?ID_Section=2&ID_Product=1432 )
Reading this wondering if turning into a tree (and back) could be a way to rearrange and untwist my own spine...
,,As Conor watched, the uppermost braches of the tree gathered themselves into a great and terrible face, shimmering into a mouth and nose and even eyes, peering back at him. Other branches twisted around one another, always creaking, always groaning, until they formed two long arms and a second leg to set down beside the main trunk. The rest of the tree gathered itself into a spine and then a torso, the thin, needle-like leaves weaving together to make a green, furry skin that moved and breathed as if there were muscles and lungs underneath." (Patrick Ness, A Monster Calls)
#MakingKinWithTrees #trees #literature
Habe mich zwar bei den Notizbüchern zurück gehalten. Aber ein bisschen glitzernde Stationary-Liebe gibt es trotzdem, @SusanneGruss. Meine Exzerpt-Kartei sprengt nämlich langsam die kleine Mappe aus dem letzten Jahr...
#aufmeinemschreibtisch #MakingKinWithTrees #stationary
Aber jetzt fange ich an und die Aussicht stimmt auch...naja...außer man bedenkt, dass ich gerade über die Rache der Bäume schreibe und damit den armen Kollegen hier vielleicht auf Ideen bringe?
#MakingKinWithTrees #baume #schreiben #amwriting
Manchmal fällt mir auf, WIE speziell meine Spezialisierung ist. Ich bin eine Expertin für Text über Bäume. Das ist ganz schön weird, aber auch irgendwie schön.
"Global Perspectives on Nationalism" comes out tomorrow. I contributed a chapter on "German" Oaks and look forward to reading all the other pieces, too.
There's currently a sale at Routledge and the ebook is fairly cheap: https://www.routledge.com/Global-Perspectives-on-Nationalism-Political-and-Literary-Discourses/Biswas-Eliopoulos-Ryan/p/book/9781032168128
#tree #MakingKinWithTrees #nationalism #oak
Insert: *book contract signing sound*
Making Kin with Trees. A Cultural Poetics of Interspecies Care
is under contract with Palgrave to be published in Silvia Schultermandl & May Friedman's Series "Mediating Kinship, Representation, and Difference" link.springer.com/series/15789
That means my project #MakingKinWithTrees will produce two independet (yet, of course, interdependent) books. Once I've finished the manuscript for my German-language book "Fremde Verwandtschaft" (a broad inquiry into the literary modes of tree thinking and arboreal poetics) in spring, I'll focus on mediating kinship in popular science and science communication and the relationship between current tree thinking and writing with technological metaphors and models like the WWW (world/wood wide web) to make palpable what trees do...I am SO excited!
#Trees #CulturalStudies @litgroup #envhum #kinship
(Sorry for crossposting, I am too excited to not share the new with everyone)
#MakingKinWithTrees #trees #culturalstudies #envhum #kinship
Bin sehr aufgeregt auf dem Weg zur Kinderuni in Hohenstein-Ernstthal. Wie immer bin ich überzeugt, dass ich die falsche Tag und die falsche Zeit aufgeschrieben hab, aber in der Zeitung steht heute und ich hab säckeweise Bücher dabei und bringe eigenes Publikum mit (erster Vortrag vor meinem eigenen Kind...doppelt aufregend!)
Endlich geht es weiter im #Baumbuch. Im kommenden Kapitel geht es um unheimliche #Bäume, die Menschen heimsuchen, helfen und mit oder vor ihnen flüchten. Ein Kapitel voller Geister, Monster und entwurzelter Welten. #MakingKinWithTrees
#Baumbuch #Bäume #MakingKinWithTrees
More #MastoTrees
An ornamental Japanese Maple (acer palmatum) sporting an enticing orange in my neighborhood.
The German Poet Marion Poschmann made me look at fall colors anew. I've always been a fan, but her essay "Laubwerk" on the poetics of city trees in which she talks about how we look at trees and what makes them difficult and so worthy of writing about, not only made me look closer but had a big part in starting my research on #MakingKinWithTrees
#Mastotrees #MakingKinWithTrees
@NatureMC all of them! I'll stick to #MakingKinWithTrees for "my " trees and try to connect it to as many Treethusiasts as possible
Here we go. I love #Mosstodon and to make this a proper forest, I want #MastoTrees to become a thing, too. I'll try to remember to post it together with #MakingKinwithTrees
Here's my old neighbor the hugging oak. Makes me happy everytime I meet them. Do you have favorite #trees in your neighborhood?
#Mosstodon #Mastotrees #MakingKinWithTrees #trees
I am still excited for print editions, even though it becomes more and more clear that this is only a byproduct of academic publishing.
Helga G. Braunbeck and I edited "Arboreal Imaginaries" and it has been online for a while:
"Green Letters: Vol 25, No 4" https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rgrl20/25/4
Here it is with its beautiful cover and it turns out both issues contained are about #trees. check it out!
#ecocriticism #envhum #MakingKinWithTrees #ArborealImaginaries @litgroup
#ArborealImaginaries #MakingKinWithTrees #envhum #ecocriticism #trees
"Living in a tree,
Yeah that's where I'd like to be,
When the world falls down.
No one can say nothing,
Which I guess means they'll say something,
But I won't be around.
I'll be in my tree,
Living free,
As any child would wanna be."
Priscilla Ahn