Article about the uranium contamination in St. Louis from nuclear weapon production:
"Eight decades after Mallinckrodt Chemical Works first began the dangerous task of processing uranium at a sprawling complex near downtown St. Louis, the federal government is still removing soil from a creek and cleaning up a landfill — nuclear contamination sites. Last year, a grade school closed amid worries that contamination from the creek got onto the playground and inside the building."
#Mallinckrodt #STL #nuclear #NuclearWeapon @histodons #ColdwaterCreek #Weldon
#Mallinckrodt #STL #nuclear #nuclearweapon #coldwatercreek #weldon
"The trouble with Coldwater Creek: It’s not just Jana Elementary"
STL Today:
"#Mallinckrodt Chemical Co. secretly refined uranium ore just north of downtown St. Louis in the 1940s and ’50s for the development of the nation’s first #atomic weapons. Tons of byproduct were trucked to the northern edge of Lambert Field for storage, at a site near #Coldwater Creek, and later, by different companies, to nearby Latty Avenue.
While the primary sources of contamination by the airport and around Latty have mainly been remediated, there is an ongoing effort to find and cleanup other areas where the material spread, both from mishandling and Mother Nature. Competing interests about how best to do that leaves many informed people unsure of their safety."
#nuclear @nuclearhumanities
@sts #EnvHist #coldwar #StLouis #nuclearwaste
#Mallinckrodt #atomic #coldwater #nuclear #envhist #coldwar #stlouis #NuclearWaste
More fallout from the WestLake Landfill contamination in suburban St. Louis:
"Hazelwood Central Football Field Could Have Radioactive Contamination"
"Contaminated soil from Jana Elementary School was used to level the football field at Hazelwood Central.
The waste emanated from the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, located north of downtown St. Louis. #Mallinckrodt facilities processed most of the uranium used to build the first atomic bombs.
Mallinckrodt atomic weapon waste was moved and stored at a site north of St. Louis Lambert International Airport from 1947 until the late 1960s. This toxic waste, however, was improperly stored, allowing it to leach into the Coldwater Creek, which runs a short distance from Jana."
@nuclearhumanities #nuclear #nuclearwaste #ColdWar #EnvHist @envhist @sts #histodons @histodons
#Mallinckrodt #nuclear #NuclearWaste #coldwar #envhist #histodons