I titled this one, "Orange Tantrum."
#orange #tantrum #trump #Manbaby #badhairday #stormydaniels
Good review of the destruction brought to Twitter by the man baby
#twitterdeath #twitter #Manbaby
Monday’s child is fair
of face
Tuesday’s child is full
of grace
Wednesday’s child is full
of woe
Thursday’s child has far
to go
Friday’s child is loving
and giving
Saturday’s child works hard
for his living
And the child that is born
on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe,
and good and gay.
~ Anonymous
Trump shouldn’t be arrested on a Tuesday. A Wednesday or Thursday would be appropriate.
#Trump #DonaldTrump #ManBaby
Elon Musk reportedly forced Twitter algorithm to boost his tweets after Super Bowl flop | Elon Musk | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/feb/15/elon-musk-changes-twitter-algorithm-super-bowl-slump-report #twitter #manbaby
@gnutest @dc@pl.starnix.network @darkcarnivaleric How many fucking troll accounts do you have weakass #ManBaby #Shithead ?
@thetyee All this #destruction - #murder of #AncientForests is only possible because of the #greedy ; #exploitive #BCNDP #NewDeathParty leaders in #collusion with #CorporateGreed diseased #EcocidalManiacs & now led by #DavidEby ( #AntiDemocratic #SelloutCoward ) - sitting #BCPremier #Manbaby who was heavily #groomed by #JohnHorgan 💩 #PathologicalLiar & expert in #HorganizedCrimes against #humanity 🤥 #SuperSelloutBC is becoming #SuperUnnaturalBC .
#ForkedTongues should be exposed & cut out.
#destruction #murder #ancientforests #greedy #exploitive #bcndp #newdeathparty #collusion #corporategreed #ecocidalmaniacs #davideby #antidemocratic #selloutcoward #bcpremier #Manbaby #groomed #JohnHorgan #pathologicalliar #horganizedcrimes #humanity #superselloutbc #superunnaturalbc #forkedtongues
We are unable to truly #protect #endangered & high #risk of #extinction #species in #BritishColumbia #Canada because #BCgovernment has zero genuine #WildlifeProtection laws. This is not known to majority of citizens. #BCNDP promised to create laws to protect wildlife a few yrs ago. Nothing was actually done on this important & necessary legislation under #JohnHorgan & his groomed #manbaby #DavidEby hasn't shown any signs he will step up & honour broken promises by his own party.
#protect #endangered #risk #extinction #species #britishcolumbia #canada #bcgovernment #wildlifeprotection #bcndp #JohnHorgan #Manbaby #davideby #bcpoli
Consistency is everything…
#ManBaby #SpaceKaren #elonmusk
#elonmusk #SpaceKaren #Manbaby
And they will only start to build it in 2028 and it will actually cost £50,000!🤣 #tesla #elonmusk #SpaceKaren #ManBaby
#Manbaby #SpaceKaren #elonmusk #tesla
BREAKING: Elon Musk set to legally change his name to Barbara Streisand. #elonmusk #barbarastreisand #barbarastreisandeffect #SpaceKaren #ManBaby
#Manbaby #SpaceKaren #barbarastreisandeffect #barbarastreisand #elonmusk
#Journalists who won’t delete #Musk tweets remain locked out of #Twitter
#Manbaby #twitter #musk #journalists
Stand by for another imminent Tesla stock sale… #elonmusk #ManBaby #SpaceKaren
#SpaceKaren #Manbaby #elonmusk
@Muskmelon To saddle a company with $13bn of debt and then complain that it’s losing too much money…🤦🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️ #Manbaby #elonmusk #SpaceKaren
#SpaceKaren #elonmusk #Manbaby
Musk’s recent outburst on Spaces shows him up for the charlatan he is. He has gone through his life being unchallenged when he makes bold claims about his technical prowess. But after making the bold “we need to rewrite the stack”, he was asked what he means by that, what the stack is and what is wrong with Twitter’s stack. His response? “You’re a jackass.” He’s clueless.
#elonmusk #SpaceKaren #ManBaby
#Manbaby #SpaceKaren #elonmusk
So what he’s saying is that Tesla’s valuation is based on stock market hype rather than an actual valuation based on fundamentals and potential? Interesting… 🤔 #elonmusk #SpaceKaren #Manbaby
#Manbaby #SpaceKaren #elonmusk
You can tell a lot about a person from the company they keep. #elonmusk #SpaceKaren #Manbaby #DictatorsLapdog #FascistsFriend
#fascistsfriend #dictatorslapdog #Manbaby #SpaceKaren #elonmusk