Remembering and honoring Mandela. 🫶
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Josep Borrell Fontelles: “It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build.”
On #MandelaDay, let's remember the words of a moral giant of History.
I wish, enough members of America's current parliament, had the integrity & courage to do this for Palestine today.
UK gov, business leaders, governments listen to Mandela on Economy and learn.
💭 Dopóki istnieje ubóstwo, nie ma prawdziwej wolności - Nelson Mandela
«Воевать и разрушать — очень легко. Настоящие герои — те, кто устанавливает мир и начинает строить».
В Международный день Нельсона Манделы давайте вспомним слова нравственного гиганта истории.
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Josep Borrell Fontelles: “It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build.”
On #MandelaDay, let's remember the words of a moral giant of History.
Happy #MandelaDay!
Nelson Mandela inspired change. His words still echo deep wisdom.
”A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of.”
Today, the #MandelaDay reminds us that we all have a role to play in promoting and protecting human rights & social justice.
This is a call to action for each one of us to fight all forms of discrimination.
For better and fairer societies.
📸Nelson Mandela statue at @UN. #NYC.
-“Es fácil de romper y destruir. Los héroes son los que hacen la paz y construyen”.
En el #DíaDeNelsonMandela, recordemos las palabras de un gigante moral de la Historia. - @JosepBorrellF
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Josep Borrell Fontelles: “It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build.”
On #MandelaDay, let's remember the words of a moral giant of History.
#DíaDeNelsonMandela #MandelaDay
RT Josep Borrell Fontelles
“It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build.”
On #MandelaDay, let's remember the words of a moral giant of History.
🌟🤝 Today, we honor the remarkable Nelson Mandela on #MandelaDay. His legacy continues to inspire us all, reminding us of the power of compassion, equality, and unity. Join us in reflecting on his values and principles, and let's make a positive impact in our communities.🌍🙌
RT Nations Unies (ONU)
Mardi, #MandelaDay, et tous les autres jours, Madiba continue de nous inspirer.
Plus d'infos sur l'héritage de Nelson Mandela, alors que nous célébrons les 75 ans de l'adoption de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme.
Happy #MandelaDay! Today we honour the memory of Nelson Mandela who helped abolish Apartheid in South Africa.
As Mandela said, being free means working for others’ freedom. Let’s get to work.
RT Parlament Europejski w Polsce
18 lipca obchodzimy Międzynarodowy Dzień Nelsona Mandeli.
Nelson Mandela był pierwszym laureatem, przyznawanej od 1988 roku, Nagrody im. Sacharowa za wolność myśli Parlamentu Europejskiego. Obejrzyj jego przemówienie w PE z 1990 roku. ⬇️
#MandelaDay #NagrodaSacharowa
RT @EP_President: Nelson Mandela was a true hero.
The first laureate of @europarl_en Sakharov Prize stood up for freedom. He fought against racism, injustice & discrimination. For him, giving up was not an option.
Values which continue to inspire us today.
RT @EP_President: Nelson Mandela was a true hero.
The first laureate of @europarl_en Sakharov Prize stood up for freedom. He fought against racism, injustice & discrimination. For him, giving up was not an option.
Values which continue to inspire us today.
Kijk niet naar de kleur van mensen maar naar hun ideeën en persoonlijkheid. Kleur boeit me niet. De mens wel.
Daarvoor hebben Mandela en Martin Luther King bv gestreden.“Not the colour of the skin but the content of the character”. Maar wokisten maken alles kapot. #MandelaDay
“Devemos usar o tempo com sabedoria e perceber para sempre que o tempo é sempre propício para fazer o certo.”
"No #MandelaDay, relembramos as sábias palavras e visão de Nelson Mandela que se encaixam mais do que nunca na atual situação geopolítica."
RT @JosepBorrellF: “We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right."
On #MandelaDay, we recall the wise words and vision of Nelson Mandela that ar…
RT @CharlesMichel: Moved by my visit to South Africa 🇿🇦 during #MandelaDay.
At the Nelson Mandela Children’s hospital, I paid tribute to the courageous staff and children treated there.
Kijk niet naar de kleur van mensen maar naar hun ideeën en persoonlijkheid. Kleur boeit me niet. De mens wel.
Daarvoor hebben Mandela en Martin Luther King bv gestreden.“Not the colour of the skin but the content of the character”. Maar wokisten maken alles kapot. #MandelaDay
Na semana em que se assinala o Dia Internacional de Nelson Mandela, lembramos as suas palavras no Parlamento Europeu em 1990:
"Entendemos que não poderíamos acabar com aquele pesadelo deixando-nos levar pelo sentimento de ódio e desejo de vingança e vingança."
RT @brunoramosdias: Parabéns atrasados, Madiba.
#FreeAssange #MandelaDay