A box full of #mangosteens (Garcinia mangostana), sit between piles of #durian in the #Philippines.
The local @pinoy practice when buying durian is to have the fruits cracked open by the vendor, then you can check and/or taste if the quality is satisfactory. If you think it's not up to par to your standards, you can have it replaced by another.
#enomad #philippines #durian #Mangosteen
Soaked my Mangosteen seed for couple days, now will it sprout ?? I am really pushing it in my grow zone, it really needs tropical climate like Hawaii or tropical Asia.. it taste like a orange, mango, and little pineapple 👅 #mangosteen #garden #tropicalfruit #fruit #growyourown
#Mangosteen #garden #tropicalfruit #fruit #growyourown
10. "Apart from #mangosteen, name three #Garcinia species that are popularly consumed where they're cultivated."
Well... #ChatGPT3 #GPT3 sort of erred here, in that the first #fruit it named is just an obsolete scientific name of the second fruit, under which a lot of Garcinia-based fad weight loss products are marketed). I asked it for another, and... well, that's a pretty obscure one, I was expecting something like #achachairu, but whatever, it works.
#Mangosteen #Garcinia #chatgpt3 #gpt3 #fruit #achachairu
Constructing tropical garden in my mind for when I get to my new garden south of #ChiangMai
Lots to grow: #tomatoes, #tomatillos, #chiles, #Garcinias not #Mangosteen & many others.
#ChiangMai #tomatoes #tomatillos #Chiles #garcinias #Mangosteen
Hoping to grow some delicious #Garcinia fruits that apparently taste even nicer than #Mangosteen