Le mois de Mars arrive à grand pas et celui-ci risque d'être un peu chargé. Je préfère ne plus rien annoncer trop en avance. Donc ce sera la surprise pour vous comme pour moi. 👀
En espérant vous voir dans les lives !
Des bisous
#twich #twitchfr #stream #streamfr #planning #ManifoldGarden #PowerWashSimulator #MassEffect #videogames #jeuxvideo
#jeuxvideo #videogames #masseffect #PowerWashSimulator #ManifoldGarden #planning #streamfr #stream #twitchfr #twich
Cette semaine, je vous propose de continuer à découvrir des petits jeux indépendants avec Before Your Eyes et Manifold Garden.
Et un peu de dessin aussi, tiens, ça fait longtemps !
#twitch #twitchfr #stream #streamfr #BeforeYourEyes #ManifoldGarden #Dessin #videogames #jeuxvidéo
#jeuxvideo #videogames #dessin #ManifoldGarden #BeforeYourEyes #streamfr #stream #twitchfr #twitch
Dear Lovely People,
Join me in 40 min for a relaxed stream of very chill stabbing and stealing in #Firesong (no story spoilers and no vet Arenas today). Maybe #ManifoldGarden after (maybe?) See you then!
Icy <3
#firesong #ManifoldGarden #esofam
What's better: impossible geometry, or games playing the music CD left in your drive? - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/whats-better-impossible-geometry-or-games-playing-the-music-cd-left-in-your-drive #What'sthebestthinginvideogames? #ManifoldGarden #Blockbuster #DarkSoulsII #Indie
#what #ManifoldGarden #blockbuster #DarkSoulsII #indie
Finally, FINALLY played #Portal & am currently playing #Portal2 for the first time now that they're on #NintendoSwitch .
Can totally see how they're both landmark games--and can't stop seeing several of their specific themes & mechanics in several games that followed ( #Superliminal, #ManifoldGarden, #Inside, and even #BOTW).
#botw #inside #ManifoldGarden #superliminal #nintendoswitch #portal2 #portal
I guess following gamedev twitter can backfire sometimes. For the entire latter half of Manifold Garden, where basically no new mechanics or twists are introduced, I kept waiting for something like this due to having seen this tweet back in the day. I guess it was scrapped.
RT @WilliamChyr@twitter.com
In the Hall of Infinite Mirrors, you will find Worlds within Worlds #screenshotsaturday #ManifoldGarden
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WilliamChyr/status/858196332372254720
#ManifoldGarden #screenshotsaturday
On a juste 7 ans, nos sujets préférés, Spiritfarer et plus! Le #podcast 293 est sorti! http://bit.ly/onaj1v_no293
#JeuxVidéo #Jeux #j1v #Spiritfarer #ManifoldGarden #punchNazis
#podcast #jeuxvidéo #jeux #j1v #spiritfarer #ManifoldGarden #punchnazis
Manifold Garden, Spiritfarer, Antichamber, Spider-Man et plus! Le #podcast 290 est sorti! http://bit.ly/onaj1v_no290
#podcast #jeuxvidéo #jeux #j1v #ManifoldGarden #spiritfarer
oh nice, getting the secret ending makes the title screen go dark #ManifoldGarden #PS4share
Manifold Garden 通关。画风华丽化,解密平庸化的 Antichamber。结局精神污染。 #ManifoldGarden #NintendoSwitch
#ManifoldGarden #nintendoswitch
i got to the credits reel in #ManifoldGarden tonight. i really enjoyed this game! i’m glad i got the chance to play it
📬The Outer Worlds trotz EpicGames-Kopierschutz geknackt📬 https://tarnkappe.info/the-outer-worlds-trotz-epicgames-kopierschutz-geknackt/ #EpicGames-Kopierschutz #ObsidianEntertainment #ManifoldGarden #TheOuterWorlds #TheCycle #Artikel #CODEX
#epicgames #obsidianentertainment #ManifoldGarden #theouterworlds #TheCycle #artikel #codex