Akshar Varma · @aksharvarma
44 followers · 441 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Another video, this time stuff. One of my favorite "proof without words" of the theorem.

This version of this proof has a square of side length equal to the hypotenuse inside 4 triangles. At some point, I also want to do the other version of this proof where the triangles go inside a square with side=hypotenuse. Same principle, except the algebra uses the square of a difference (𝑎−𝑏)² instead of the square of a sum used in this proof. In both cases a 2𝑎𝑏 term cancels out to reveal the Pythagoras theorem.

As is usual with learning a new thing I'm realizing that my earlier animation of the Master theorem could've been made much better if I had bothered to read up some other sections of the reference manual.

#Pythagoras #proof #math #Manim

Last updated 1 year ago

josh g. · @joshg
33 followers · 52 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Thanks to @aksharvarma for sharing this cool example:

I have now learned about , a fantastic-looking library for creating mathematical animations to explain or demonstrate stuff. This looks like a *huge* time-saver for when/if I make explainer videos!

#python #Manim

Last updated 1 year ago

Akshar Varma · @aksharvarma
43 followers · 426 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

After learning how to do it today, here's my first go at using the library to create an animation explaining a concept. Although here I suppose it is more a or analysis of concept.

I haven't provided any context in the animation (I ran out of coding+compiling steam once the core explanation was satisfactory to me). It highlights the key ideas and terms for the three primary cases of the Master theorem for solving recurrences. It is not the most general form, but is perhaps the easiest/most useful form for an undergrad to grasp.

Allows analyzing recursive algorithms which split a problem with input size 𝑛 into 𝑎 subproblems, each of size 𝑛/𝑏 and spends 𝑛ᶜ time to perform the splitting into subproblems and/or recombining of subproblem solutions to get the overall solution.

The final runtime depends on 𝑐 and on what is often called the critical exponent \(\log_b (a)\). When teaching, I often frame it as let these two fight and whoever wins will dominate the runtime. If it is a draw, they compromise by throwing an extra log𝑛 term in there. At least that's my mnemonic.

#algorithms #computerscience #math #Manim

Last updated 1 year ago

Eduardo Mendes :python: · @dunossauro
365 followers · 203 posts · Server bolha.us

Hoje é dia de Live de Python 🔥

Bora embarcar em uma jornada de criar animações usando e .

Vamos para unir lógica e criatividade em um balé de pixels!

Às 22, te vejo lá 🚀🐍


#python #Manim

Last updated 1 year ago

Experiments with


Last updated 1 year ago

Counting Is Hard · @counting_is_hard
63 followers · 97 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Playing around with for an animation that I want to do and made this for practice. It shows that a parabola is the locus of points equal distance from a focal point and a line called a directrix

#parabola #geometry #animation #Manim

Last updated 2 years ago

Mathieu Degrange · @Mathieu_Degrange
95 followers · 123 posts · Server mamot.fr

Ma vidéo finale sur les fonctions en réalisée avec


Le code source est en description.

#affines #maths #Manim

Last updated 2 years ago

bµg · @bug
432 followers · 284 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I'm not sure I'm using is really appropriate here but I'm having fun debugging & visualizing the Median Cut algorithm with it.

A bit annoying that the depth is off and that it's laggy as hell. Maybe I could try with or something else?

#matplotlib #Manim

Last updated 2 years ago

· @update
1 followers · 1 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Hello! I made a using about . Hope you like it, and please give me some constructive criticism!


#inversion #Manim #video #math

Last updated 2 years ago

torgeirhyl · @torgeirhyl
26 followers · 40 posts · Server snabelen.no

Does this reach anyone who dabbles in ?


Last updated 2 years ago

Julien M. · @julm
485 followers · 4935 posts · Server framapiaf.org

> is a library for programmatically generating animations with a twist towards / vector drawings. A lot of inspiration was drawn from 's library.
> [it glues] together different technologies: as a universal image format, for typesetting, for video encoding, /#imagemagick for rasterization, for vectorization, /#povray for 3D graphics, and for scripting.

#haskell #blender #potrace #inkscape #ffmpeg #latex #svg #Manim #3b1b #2d #mathematics #reanimate #education

Last updated 3 years ago

ƒ(t) = ∮ ashwinvis ㎗ · @ashwinvis
166 followers · 1197 posts · Server fediscience.org

must be one among the hardest working STEM outreach professionals. His videos are amazing, no doubt. But building a library () from scratch, allowing for development in the open and writing thousands of lines of codes to use it is a whole new level.


#3b1b #Manim

Last updated 4 years ago

Tanguy Fardet · @tfardet
242 followers · 877 posts · Server fediscience.org

Wow, today I learned about , a library to create mathematical animations and scientific presentations.


Just saw a presentation using it and I must say it looked really amazing.
Sure, it does not make good content any less necessary, but, beyond the glitter, it could be really useful for people looking for ways to do animations, understandable 3D plots...

#Manim #python #til #science #presentation #scicomm #animation #math #plots #latex

Last updated 4 years ago