Not finished Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything or Kohei Saito's 人新世の資本論 but got wrapped up in #EnoughIsEnough. It keeps making me think of earlier work by #MichaelAlbert with #ParEcon #ParticipatoryEconomics, and even earlier writings by #BertrandRussel, #MortalsAndOthers. Back in 1933 we knew economists were morons:
"Economists were driven to abandon this.. ground by the indignation of the #GeneralPublic. "
but then we forgot and in 2011 students protest #Mankiw?
#Mankiw #GeneralPublic #MortalsAndOthers #bertrandrussel #participatoryeconomics #parecon #MichaelAlbert #enoughisenough
I love #economics because its basic principles are so powerful and generalisable (ie, it’s not just “about #money”).
I started using Greg #Mankiw’s very popular textbook “Principles of Economics” as a reference a few years ago, and since then I find myself applying its “ten principles of economics” often in everyday life.
This week I learnt that David #Henderson has been teaching his own “ten pillars of economic wisdom” for decades. Those seem good, too.
So I decided to merge both!
Hereby I present the main insights of economics condensed in fourteen principles of economics. Even if you don’t like econ as a subject, you’d do well to heed these ideas:
👉 In common (Mankiw ≃ Henderson):
👉 Mankiw’s:
👉 Henderson’s:
#economics #money #Mankiw #henderson