The year is 2023 and collapsing #whitespace for #HTML #minification is not safe for #sequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint elements with user-focusable first children.
#browser #bug #Firefox #frontend #keyboardNavigation #manualTesting
#WhiteSpace #html #minification #sequentialfocusnavigationstartingpoint #browser #bug #firefox #frontend #keyboardnavigation #ManualTesting
@hriskoleva Agreed. I like to think, that #Testing is so much more than just executing tests. I believe test design is crucial for success of all test efforts. Trying to rule out #ManualTesting (or #AutomatedTesting) seems just a sign of some misunderstanding of a complex topic, that should be addressed.
#testing #ManualTesting #AutomatedTesting
Unterschied zwischen Testabdeckung und Codeabdeckung?
Die Code
#ExplorativesTesten #LoadandPerformance #Mocking #Penetrationtest #Projektmanagement #RestAPI #TestEngineering #Testautomatisierung #Testframework #Testlink #Testmanagement #Testplan #Testsuites #Tools #Apptesting #Codecoverage #crossbrowsertesting #flakytesting #ManualTesting #Penetrationtesting #pytest #Regressiontesting #testcoverage
#ExplorativesTesten #LoadandPerformance #mocking #PenetrationTest #projektmanagement #restapi #TestEngineering #Testautomatisierung #Testframework #TestLink #TestManagement #Testplan #Testsuites #tools #Apptesting #codecoverage #crossbrowsertesting #flakytesting #ManualTesting #penetrationtesting #pytest #Regressiontesting #testcoverage
Wie bereitet man sich am besten auf die Automatisierung von e2e-Tests vor?
#Projektmanagement #Regressions-Test #RestAPI #TestEngineering #Testlink #Testmanagement #Testsuites #Automation #ManualTesting #Regession #RegressionTesting #Testautomation
#projektmanagement #Regressions #restapi #TestEngineering #TestLink #TestManagement #Testsuites #automation #ManualTesting #Regession #Regressiontesting #testautomation