Ok, I can play Starfield as on 5pm 8/31.
Games I've started that I'd like to finish before then:
Planet of Lana
Citizen Sleeper
Vampire Survivors
Jedi Survivor
A Short Hike
Games I've installed, that I've not started:
Bramble the Mountain King
This doesn't even count the games I've been thinking about buying e.g. Inscryption, Sifu, Immortals: Aveum
Or some of the games I bought recently because they were on sale.
#Starfield #Xbox #GamePass #PlanetOfLana #Stray #CitizenSleeper #VampireSurvivors #Toem #JediSurvivor #Chicory #BrambleTheMountainKing #Maquette #AShortHike #Inscryption #Sifu #ImmortalsOfAveum
#starfield #xbox #gamepass #planetoflana #stray #CitizenSleeper #VampireSurvivors #toem #jedisurvivor #chicory #bramblethemountainking #Maquette #ashorthike #inscryption #SIFU #immortalsofaveum #thestruggleisreal
Aan deze #maquette heb ik mijn meeste tijd besteed. Wat groot en veel leuke kleine details.
#Efteling #Tentoonstelling van het #noordbrabantsmuseum
Je vindt deze naast de aller kleinste maquette
#themepark #pretpark #amusant #eftelingfotografie
#eftelingfans #enterainment #wereldvolwonderen #fairytale
#amusementpark #freizeitpark #instagood #photography #kaatsheuvel
#visitbrabant #potd #disney #disneyparks #themeparkphotography #museum
#museum #themeparkphotography #disneyparks #disney #potd #visitBrabant #Kaatsheuvel #photography #instagood #freizeitpark #amusementpark #fairytale #wereldvolwonderen #enterainment #eftelingfans #eftelingfotografie #amusant #pretpark #themepark #noordbrabantsmuseum #tentoonstelling #Efteling #Maquette
À gauche c’est moi. Enfin mon « Moi » en lego…. J’adore cette pièce…. J’adore ce projet mèné de mains de maître par mon pote #artlock_daft ….
À gauche c’est une des émissions sur laquelle je bosse….
#taratata en #lego quel kiff !
#legomania #legomasters #maquette #photooftheday #picoftheday #canonfrance #canonphoto #nagui #miniature #aiproductions #wearebanijay
#wearebanijay #aiproductions #miniature #nagui #canonphoto #canonfrance #picoftheday #photooftheday #Maquette #legomasters #legomania #lego #taratata #artlock_daft
Recomanats de març del 2021
Comentem els llançaments interessants de març, entre els quals hi ha dos títols catalans. Recomanem It Takes Two, Loop Hero i Maquette.
#Recomanats #Elsmillorsvideojocsdelmes #ItTakesTwo #LoopHero #MailMole #Maquette #MonsterHunterRise #NaritaBoy
#Recomanats #Elsmillorsvideojocsdelmes #ItTakesTwo #LoopHero #MailMole #Maquette #monsterhunterrise #NaritaBoy
I'm pretty sure I would have enjoyed #Maquette more with the voiceover off. It was visually stunning at times with a neat core mechanic, but the story was just vapid.
I played #Maquette for a while this weekend. Eventually got stuck on one of the last puzzles, played for at least an hour, and it turns out there's a bug that prevents me from progressing. :(
The top 14 games on PC in March - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/L-5pvJ1eKw8/the-top-14-games-on-pc-in-march-2021 #KingdomHearts2.8FinalChapterPrologue #KingdomHearts:MelodyOfMemory #KingdomHearts2.5Remix #KingdomHearts1.5Remix #Yakuza6:TheSongOfLife #Stronghold:Warlords #SpacebaseStartopia #BalanWonderworld #MinuteOfIslands #KingdomHearts3 #Blockbuster #EvilGenius2 #ItTakesTwo #LoopHero #Maquette #Mundaun #Feature #Video #Indie
#KingdomHearts2 #kingdomhearts #KingdomHearts1 #Yakuza6 #Stronghold #SpacebaseStartopia #BalanWonderworld #MinuteOfIslands #kingdomhearts3 #blockbuster #EvilGenius2 #ItTakesTwo #LoopHero #Maquette #Mundaun #feature #video #indie
Pretty perspective-based puzzler Maquette is out now - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/6rLFI42YGWQ/pretty-perspective-based-puzzler-maquette-is-out-now #AnnapurnaInteractive #GracefulDecay #Maquette
#annapurnainteractive #GracefulDecay #Maquette