With Eric Flint no longer publishing with Bane Books(sic) (or anywhere, tragically...) I've lost the last author I might have tried to overlook their clear fascist leanings for.
Discon III did the right thing uninviting Toni. This publisher is a pox.
RT @jayblanc
Here's people on @BaenBooks Web Forum talking about how to shoot someone wearing body armour in a thread about the Judge who signed the #MarALagoFBIRaid warrant.
Please boy…
Jon Karl is a hack and the show he hosts. This Week on ABC, doesn't know what reporting is.
To confirm his pre-conceived partisan notions, Karl is interviewing outgoing Maryland governor Larry Hogan this morning about the #MarALagoFBIRaid instead of someone with a real set of knowledge about what it means.
Hogan thinks it's a "win" for Trump?
It’s not a win. That’s like saying “losing the election was a win, people were willing to die or kill for him."
That’s perverse logic.