I had somehow missed that there has been a new outbreak of #MarburgVirus in #EquatorialGuinea - but fortunately @kakape is on it..
#ff #EquatorialGuinea #Marburgvirus
Marburg Virus
Now spreading from an urban centre, a major killer.
But what will the anti lockdown/mask/vaccine mob along with their far right chant masters make of it if it reaches the west?
"Just a little tummy bug?"
"Minor upset, get back to work?"
"Stop groaning, bury your family, then get back to work"?
"Its Corbyn's Fault"
RT @tagesschau
Marburg-Virus breitet sich in Äquatorialguinea weiter aus http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/afrika/marburg-virus-aequatorialguinea-who-101.html #MarburgVirus #Äquatorialguinea
#Marburgvirus #aquatorialguinea