✨ First time posting on 🦣 about my free mentoring programme for marginalised writers - #RewritingTheMargins
✍🏽️ I offer editoral help to two writers, picked at random, on alternate months. Full details here: https://shadowsonwater.wordpress.com/rewriting-the-margins/
🖤 Please share widely & if you're interested, I'm open for January slots now so please DM me by 2nd Jan if you'd like to be put on the list.
@bookstodon @sffbipoc #mentoring #AmWriting #AmEditing #MarginalisedVoices
#RewritingTheMargins #mentoring #amwriting #amediting #MarginalisedVoices
#introduction #introductions Hi, I'm Rachel, the lay #Chaplaincy of Westcott House: an #anglican #CofE theological college (#TEI) in Cambridge in the UK. I am also a #printmaker: one of my major projects is making prints depicting #DisabledChrist
I am #disabled #dyspraxic #neurodivergent with a condition which brings #fatigue and #pain. #spoonie
I'm interested in #DisabilityTheology #spirituality #creativity #theology #Franciscan #ecotheology #MarginalisedVoices #Chaplaincy #books #prayer etc
#introduction #introductions #Chaplaincy #anglican #cofe #TEI #printmaker #DisabledChrist #disabled #Dyspraxic #neurodivergent #fatigue #pain #spoonie #DisabilityTheology #spirituality #creativity #theology #Franciscan #ecotheology #MarginalisedVoices #books #prayer