CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
236 followers · 57 posts · Server zirk.us

If a reader can tell me their results are non-binding because they cannot adequately speak for everyone sharing their , by extension I can write about people however I want without a sensitivity editor because I'm not speaking OF an entire group.

#sensitivity #Marginalization

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Fisher · @mjf_pro
522 followers · 4284 posts · Server hachyderm.io

A cis white gay man was perfect casting for a villain like The Analyst who functions as middle-management in a story like The Matrix: Resurrections about how authoritarian power structures recruit marginalized individuals to help sustain their oppression of marginalized groups.


#transmisogyny #transphobia #gendercritical #terf #terfs #matrix #thematrix #TheMatrixResurrections #bigotry #Marginalization #oppression #power #powerstructures #allegory #allegories

Last updated 2 years ago

Berner Dad · @MsAnthropist
13 followers · 81 posts · Server sfba.social

@_L1vY_ might it also be that does not "kill" off people so much as it encourages apathy and from the conversation? I suspect those most invested tend to stay engaged, e.g. the more liberal and more conservative, and many of those get louder, so various echo chambers (including the well-intentioned responses to this post) proportionately lose any true correlation with age - which is what is being reported as causation?

#Marginalization #disengagement

Last updated 2 years ago

The only thing more incoherent than the idea that there's any such thing as a cohesive "Western Civilization" is calls to protect it from a guy who's lived his whole life in Southeast Asia.

There has never been a bigger pick-me bootlicker in the history of the world.

#socialmedia #twitter #bigotry #Marginalization #oppression #transmisogyny #transphobia #homophobia #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

India News Watch · @indianewswatch
5 followers · 55 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Hilal Ahmed: Do Muslim voters want only Muslim politicians to represent them?

Muslim leadership cannot be reduced to electing leaders.


#muslim #democracy #representation #Marginalization #hindutva #majoritarianism #mastindia #india

Last updated 2 years ago

Cap'n Mastodon · @nicedragon
592 followers · 988 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

I'm not saying I have the perfect answers. I wish I did. I'm a floundering and often clueless mix of and . I'm trying to figure out how to use what I've got to join with others to give the next generation something better to inherit.

A good step is to find people who are based on factors including , , , , or . Let's talk together. But don't let it stay in the "listening and learning" stage. We must find a way to create coming out of a situation like this.

The world is not going back to the illusion of normalcy. grinds on. is exacerbating inequity. is not the last challenge we face; it's not the "big boss" where we win the game once we've defeated it. It's just the mini-boss that let's us know what we're up against.


#privilege #Marginalization #marginalized #race #gender #sexuality #ability #class #justice #capitalism #climatechange #covid #holyanarchy #progressive #leftist

Last updated 2 years ago

Anoosh Jorjorian · @anoosh
657 followers · 794 posts · Server zirk.us

When I meet kids with unfamiliar names, I have them repeat it carefully, then pronounce it until I get it right. Then I always say something positive about it, like "That's so beautiful!" or "That's such a cool name!" The way kids light up when I say it is heartbreaking. I know they have gone through years of people saying their names wrong and perhaps asking if they have a nickname (or not even asking, just doing it). I do it for them, and I do it for Past Me.

#microaggression #Marginalization

Last updated 2 years ago

Fascism isn't a system that gets things done. It's a system that facilitates the performance of productivity and accomplishment by people who are fundamentally incapable of either. Beyond the hatred and greed and aggrieved entitlement, it's all style and no substance.

#fascism #fascists #fascist #power #powerstructures #oppression #Marginalization #bigotry

Last updated 2 years ago

Stop buying into the myth of fascist competence. Fascism is an ideology and a system built around deflecting and evading responsibility. They never make the trains run on time. They just point at a new group of people to blame every time the trains are late.

#fascism #fascists #fascist #power #powerstructures #oppression #Marginalization #bigotry

Last updated 2 years ago

Gen Eickers · @geneickers
23 followers · 4 posts · Server zirk.us

I‘m new here so it‘s time for an introduction:

I‘m Gen, a working interdisciplinarily on and

Currently I‘m interim professor for epistemology at the University of Bayreuth (Germany)

Other things I do that make me happier are (lgbtiq+) community organizing, art, and weight lifting

#philosopher #socialnorms #SocialInteraction #scripts #emotion #transphilosophy #Marginalization #digitization

Last updated 2 years ago

Olivia Waite · @O_Waite
461 followers · 61 posts · Server romancelandia.club

“They offered up everything about themselves because they had, at last, found the only group of people for whom their experiences were not so unique or baffling.” — BABEL by R. F. Kuang

It’s about marginalized students at a fictional magical college, but it seems to describe pretty accurately why we get so emotionally invested in social media, too.

#Marginalization #sff #amreading #TodaysTeaser

Last updated 2 years ago

Good morning -us-ers & (s.)
Requests 2 follow me?
For accessa - followa, u must:
1. Have face image/icon/avatar
2. Develop 🌎 post .
3. Include a C.V., resume or U.
(Or website)
4. "Written" something "snappy" somewhere in cyberspace.
5. Have 2-factoided login. (proof)
6. Never engaged in hacking
7. Never engaged in ; ; ; Nazism or anything anti-democratic or gay-bashing, trans-bashing, Racism, other GOP B.S.
"Accessa" may then be granted.

#zirk #mastodon #intro #ageism #Marginalization #45ism

Last updated 2 years ago