Streaming now (and accessible to watch after the event concludes):
Essential to the Public: Libraries at the End of the World, featuring #EmilyDrabinski and moderated by #MariameKaba
#PublicLibraries #LibraryWorkers #ProtectLibraryWorkers #critlib
#emilydrabinski #MariameKaba #publiclibraries #libraryWorkers #ProtectLibraryWorkers #critlib
For the People: A Leftist Library Project is kicking off with two virtual events in March…
- 3/4: Toward Narrating A People's History of U.S. Public Libraries
- 3/21: Essential to the Public: Libraries at the End of the World
#critlib #PublicLibraries #WayneWiegand #MariameKaba #MeganRiley #EmilyDrabinsky #ProjectNIA #BCRW
#critlib #publiclibraries #waynewiegand #MariameKaba #meganriley #emilydrabinsky #projectnia #bcrw
"But don’t get me wrong. We are not abandoning our communities to violence. We don’t want to just close police departments. We want to make them obsolete.
We should redirect the billions that now go to police departments toward providing health care, housing, education and good jobs. If we did this, there would be less need for the police in the first place.
We can build other ways of responding to harms in our society."
#MariameKaba #anotherworldispossible
Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police.
Because reform won’t happen.
"Enough. We can’t reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police." - Mariame Kaba
#Police #Abolition #AbolishPolice #AnotherWorldIsPossible #MariameKaba
#police #abolition #abolishpolice #anotherworldispossible #MariameKaba
This 2020 article from #MariameKaba about #PoliceAbolition is eternally relevant until we can affect real change.
"The fact that police abolition is unthinkable to so many people is profoundly dangerous. It means that police have so thoroughly colonized and dominated our thinking that we are unable to even imagine a world where they don’t exist."
#DefundThePolice #policeabolition #MariameKaba
Want to support Mariame Kaba's latest endeavor? I did! Sojourners for Justice Press is a micro press that opens its platform to people working experimentally with print based media. We publish short form and ephemeral #zines, pamphlets, and booklets that engage do-it-yourself, #BlackFeminist, and #abolitionist philosophies.
#zines #blackfeminist #abolitionist #MariameKaba #donations #abolition
In 2021 #MariameKaba made a list of 9 solidarity commitments for people who want to be part of supporting incarcerated people, one of which was to write at least six letters to an incarcerated person that year.
I'm really glad I did this and am looking forward to another year writing to three regular penpals.
Sharing Kaba's list for anyone interested in becoming a penpal or other solidarity actions in 2023.
#MariameKaba #abolition #penpals #hopeisadiscipline #NewYear
Book 16 of this year (accidentally messed up the numbers a few days ago)
We Do This 'Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice – Mariame Kaba
Content warning – police and state violence, racism, white supremacy
#bookstodon #MariameKaba #PoliceAbolition #PrisonAbolition 1/?
#bookstodon #MariameKaba #policeabolition #prisonabolition
@abolitionbb Thanks for the disclosure.
Curious to hear your favorite takeaways from #MariameKaba #AngelaDavis and #RuthWilsonGilmore
I'll have to read more about #Balagoon
I often think of Kaba's assertion that #HopeIsADiscipline when I get overwhelmed from doing too much #doomscrolling
Kaba posted the following questions on another platform and it's been a really helpful approach toward understanding sociopolitical issues and holding myself accountable for the ways I show up in the movement space
Repost from #MariameKaba
Questions I ask myself when outraged about injustice:
1. What resources exist so I can better educate myself?
2. Who's already doing work around this injustice?
3. Do I have the capacity to offer concrete support & help to them?
4. How can I be constructive?
#MariameKaba #angeladavis #ruthwilsongilmore #balagoon #hopeisadiscipline #doomscrolling
@abolitionbb I started #WeDoThisTilWeFreeUs today. I'm a huge fan of #MariameKaba's work
I also appreciate the incredible lineage that #AngelaDavis has contributed toward the #abolition movement.
I read #ToniMorrison when I was fairly young, so I'm going to have to revisit some of her work. I think the last book I read of hers was #Beloved
I'll have to check out #KuwasiBalagoon.
#wedothistilwefreeus #MariameKaba #angeladavis #abolition #tonimorrison #Beloved #KuwasiBalagoon
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter
Curious to know which books and/or organizations shaped your #SocialJustice and #RacialEquity lens
Looking at this book list from
The first book I read on #RaceConscious perspectives was #RaceMatters from #CornelWest
I typically recommend #HowToBeAnAntiRacist by #IbramXKendi to folks who are new to learning about #antiracism and #WeDoThisTilWeFreeUs by #MariameKaba for folks who are learning about #CommunityOrganizing with an #abolitionist lens
The orgs I recommend following to learn the basics around social justice issues are #MovementForBlackLives #M4BL #NDNCollective #ShowingUpForRacialJustice #SURJ #CriticalResistance and so many others
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #socialjustice #racialequity #raceconscious #racematters #cornelwest #howtobeanantiracist #IbramXKendi #antiracism #wedothistilwefreeus #MariameKaba #communityorganizing #abolitionist #movementforblacklives #M4BL #ndncollective #showingupforracialjustice #SURJ #criticalresistance
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter who were your favorite influencers of 2022?
My favorite influencers were:
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #adriennemareebrown #MariameKaba #marclamonthill #wkamaubell #winstonduke
#MariameKaba on the problems with #SoftPolicing and coercive responses to #MentalHealth
Full Interview:
@LucyStag #nonserviammedia #abolition #transformativejustice #policeabolition #prisonabolition #nomorepolice
#MariameKaba #softpolicing #mentalhealth #nonserviammedia #Abolition #transformativejustice #policeabolition #prisonabolition #NoMorePolice
“When you say, “What would we do without prisons?” what you are really saying is: “What would we do without civil death, exploitation, and state-sanctioned violence?”
― #MariameKaba, 'We Do This 'Til We Free Us'
"There’s this fight that the way to abolish the death
penalty is to commute everybody to life without parole. And I just can’t get behind that. That’s still physical, social, and
civic death. “But at least they’re alive … ” That to me is an
absolute perfect example of a reformist reform, which
actually makes it less likely that we’re going to get people
out of jail and prisons."
- #MariameKaba 'We Do This 'Til We Free Us'
"Let’s begin our abolitionist journey not with the question “What do we have now and how can we make it better?” Instead, let’s ask, “What can we imagine for ourselves and the world?” If we do that, then boundless possibilities of a more just world await us." - Mariame Kaba
Recently @LucyStag spoke with author & organizer #MariameKaba about her newest book #NoMorePolice & more.
Check it out! 🏴
#NonServiamMedia #policeabolition #prisonabolition #acab #defundthepolice #prisons
#MariameKaba #NoMorePolice #nonserviammedia #policeabolition #prisonabolition #acab #DefundThePolice #prisons
I mean, how dare I make a list like this without including #MariameKaba, #EmilyStJohnMandel, #LauraRuby, #YoonHaLee, #MariekeNijkamp, #CheriePriest...*sigh*
#MariameKaba #emilystjohnmandel #LauraRuby #YoonHaLee #MariekeNijkamp #CheriePriest
"Being intentionally in relation to one another, a part of a collective, helps to not only imagine new worlds, but also to imagine ourselves differently."