It's Monday! You know the drill - time for some naked Space Marines!
For today's Marine Meat Monday I'm giving you Herik Stymphalos again.
The Emperor's Children's most hyperfixated (on birds) Apothecary.
He's with Fabius Bile's Consortium and works on giving all kind of creatures (including himself) wings.
#WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer #EmperorsChildren #Warhammer40k #WH40k #MarineMeatMonday
#WarhammerCommunity #warhammer #EmperorsChildren #warhammer40k #wh40k #MarineMeatMonday
It's Monday and I'm still on kind of a Thousand Sons-roll.
So for Marine Meat Monday - Here's Equery Amon! Magnus' faithful babysitter.
#warhammer #horusheresy #spacemarines #MarineMeatMonday#ThousandSons#Amon
#warhammer #horusheresy #SpaceMarines #MarineMeatMonday
Some Ultramarines-goodness for #MarineMeatMonday: Jorus Numitor during his time as Assault Squad Sergeant.
He is what happens if you take Sicarius and subtract some recklessness. He and Sicarius also had this thing going where they were one-upping each other with everything constantly. So much chemistry!
Oh fuck, I am an idiot.
This isn't 30k. The sergeants now all have Thiel's censure-red helmet ... But I forgot.
Please forgive me, #Ultramarines-sages!
#Warhammer 40k
#MarineMeatMonday #ultramarines #warhammer
it's Marine Meat Monday again!
This time with Ahzek Ahriman, former Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons. Arrogant arsehole, bitchy, angry, self-conscious master of the Corvidae.
Because a very vocal minority of Warhammer-fandom has flanderizationed the Thousand Sons (especially Magnus) to the point of absolute ridicule, it took me a while getting around to read the 40k-Ahriman-novels.
But, boy, do I enjoy them! It's such a good read.
#warhammer #ThousandSons #MarineMeatMonday #wh40k
I'm sad #MarineMeatMonday isn't a thing here on Mastodon as it is on Tumblr or Twitter. It should be!
But I haven't found as many #Warhammer-fanartists here as over on the other platforms. Yet. Maybe someday.
Anyway. Here's Seifer Zeed. The #RavenGuard guy from the #Deathwatch-books. He's kind of a diet-version of pre-Heresy Lucius and I'm miffed that everything that's attributed as bad to Lucius is attributed positively to Zeed.
#MarineMeatMonday #warhammer #ravenguard #Deathwatch #warhammer40k #wh40k #WarhammerCommunity
It's Monday! #MarineMeatMonday!
So here's the Chief Apothecary for you. The last altruist in a lost galaxy.
I like him so much.
He chuckled. No death was a good death. Death simply was. Behind him, something hissed. ‘It has missed you, I think,’ Khorag said. He sounded uneasy. ‘If such a thing can be said to feel separation anxiety, I suspect it is that damnable machine.’ The spider-scorpion shape of the chirurgeon twitched eagerly in its rack.
Reynolds, Josh. Clonelord
#Warhammer #WH40k
#MarineMeatMonday #warhammer #wh40k
It's Monday!
Marine Meat Monday.
Today: Erebus again. Love that bastard man.
A quote from his first appearance in "Horus Rising":
He was a senior commander of that Legion, close to Kor Phaeron and the primarch, Lorgar, himself. His quiet manner and soft, composed voice commanded instant respect from all who met him, but the Luna Wolves had embraced him anyway.
#Warhammer #WordBearers #WarhammerCommunity #MarineMeatMonday #HorusHeresy #Erebus
#warhammer #WordBearers #WarhammerCommunity #MarineMeatMonday #horusheresy #erebus
People die if you eat them, Flavius!
Flavius Alkenex for Marine Meat Monday - the second time!
But I'm an Emperor's Children-stan and as such I do as I please. I mean, I had Lucius about three to four times and Fabius two times. Eidolon twice, also. So I tend to do repeats on the guys I like.
Oh, I only did Erebus once. This has to be corrected sometime.
But this time it's everybody's favourite canibal.
#Warhammer #MarineMeatMonday #WH40k #WarhammerCommunity #EmperorsChildren
#warhammer #MarineMeatMonday #wh40k #WarhammerCommunity #EmperorsChildren
it's Monday!
So it's time for some Marine Meat on the menu.
Since I'm reading Steve Parker's "Deathwatch" at the moment (mixed experience for me so far, but I like the kill team Talon-guys), I'm giving you Maximmion "Omni" Voss. Short King, worshipper at the Temple of Iron and husbando to Zeed.
#Warhammer #MarineMeatMonday #ImperialFists #Deathwatch #WH40k #Warhammer40k
#warhammer #MarineMeatMonday #ImperialFists #Deathwatch #wh40k #warhammer40k
It's Monday, so time for naked Space Marines.
But also still Boltgun-aesthetics.
Here's Caedo, the protagonist of the game.
There's no art of him withou the beakie, so I just went with how i'm imagining him. Standard Ultramarines-guy!
#Warhammer #MarineMeatMonday #Boltgun #WH40k #Ultramarines #Warhammer40k #SpaceMarines
#warhammer #MarineMeatMonday #boltgun #wh40k #ultramarines #warhammer40k #SpaceMarines
For #MarineMeatMonday: Vulkan He'stan.
The Forgefather leads a lonely life, far removed from his Chapter, constantly searching the Galaxy for his Primarch's artefacts.
Not easy for him, because #Salamanders thrive in the company of their brothers.
(please don't believe the TTS-fanon of him. TTS did Salamanders remarkably wrong. Entertaining, but wrong. Okay, like most of TTS. I loved it, but it's important to read the lore yourself!)
#MarineMeatMonday #salamanders #warhammer #wh40k #SpaceMarines
The Marine Meat Monday-d20 gave me a 6 - Space Wolves!
And I chose Russ' First Captain, Gunnar Gunnhilt, a.k.a. Lord Gunn (Fenrisian names are something else!). I liked is absolute done-ness with Russ' bulsshit and his very heroic end. Good guy!
(see, @Stege , no pants!)
#Warhammer #MarineMeatMonday #SpaceWolves #VlkaFenryka #HorusHeresy #SpaceMarines
#warhammer #MarineMeatMonday #SpaceWolves #vlkafenryka #horusheresy #SpaceMarines
It's #MarineMeatMonday and my trusty d20 was making it hard for me by giving me a 1.
Well, it's Nemiel again, because I fuckin' love Nemiel.
And I'm still very mad he was killed off like some disposable side-serf. That truly was a low point of Black Library. It smacked of "main-Dark-Angels-author mad at fans liking other authors Dark Angels-characters better than his so he had to make sure they never will see the light of day again".
#MarineMeatMonday #warhammer #horusheresy #darkangels #SpaceMarines
New year, still #MarineMeatMonday!
Today: Kolos Undil, Erebus' bodyguard and bearer of one of the athame-shards.
He has his 15 minutes of fame in the "Shards"-short story and that's it. I bet in M41 he's still Erebus' sergeant, just more horns and bigger teeth.
On ao3 he's got exactly one fanfic. One of the best PWP I ever read. Well written, carefully built and the exactly right amount of view into the protagonists' brains. Chapeau!
#MarineMeatMonday #warhammer #wh40k #WordBearers #horusheresy
It may be christmas, but it's also #MarineMeatMonday!
Iagon the bad boy Salamander. I like him so much.
"One in Tsu’gan’s group gave Dak’ir a vaguely contemptuous look, before turning his attention to an auspex unit. This was Iagon, Tsu’gan’s second and chief minion. Where Tsu’gan was all thinly-veiled threat and belligerence, Iagon was an insidious snake, much more poisonous and deadly."
- Kyme, Nick. Salamanders: The Omnibus (Tome of Fire)
#MarineMeatMonday #warhammer40k #salamanders #wh40k #warhammer
It's another #MarineMeatMonday!
Since I was at a loss who to draw this time, I followed the suggestion of a friend and let my d20 decide. It gave me 15. #ThousandSons.
Hm. I don't know much about them. I read their Heresy-stuff and that's it. I don't think Khayon and his buddy count, since Black Legion.
So I settled for the classic: Pre-#HorusHeresy Ahriman (again). Because I like him. He's so done with everything. And I can totally understand his motivation for the Rubric.
#Warhammer #WH40k
#MarineMeatMonday #ThousandSons #horusheresy #warhammer #wh40k
Welcome to another #MarineMeatMonday!
Narvo "Blunt Instrument" Quin is one of the terran-aristocrat #EmperorsChildren (he's looking down on the "chemosian rabble") and he and "Bull" Ramos are marking the upper end of the scale when it comes to stocky/heavy build for their Legion.
One of Fabius' first "dead? Not on my watch!"-projects he came back after Isstvan V, salvaging his Terminator Armour (few EC are using such armour, since they prefer speed over durability).
#Warhammer #WH40k
#MarineMeatMonday #EmperorsChildren #warhammer #wh40k
Slowly returning to the land of the living.
Starting the week gently with a #MarineMeatMonday-pic of Krysithius, Lieutenant to Lucius the Eternal and part-time mutineer.
Also, check out chapter six of "Til the Stars grow cold", a #fanfiction by a friend of mine. A very good fanfiction!
#Warhammer #EmperorsChildren #Warhammer40k #WH40k #ChaosSpaceMarines #Slaanesh #SpaceMarines
#MarineMeatMonday #fanfiction #warhammer #EmperorsChildren #warhammer40k #wh40k #ChaosSpaceMarines #slaanesh #SpaceMarines
It's Monday! #MarineMeatMonday !
Today it's Falkus Kibre, the Widowmaker, for your viewing pleasure.
As his nickname suggests, he may not be the most refined fellow and he's seldom described as being more than Abaddon's goon, but at least he's welcoming their new demonic overlords!
I had fun making him look slightly like a hipster with his cthonian ganger-tattoos.
I should draw his possessed-form.
#Warhammer #WH40k #HorusHeresy #SonsOfHorus #Mournival #Warhammer40k #SpaceMarines
#MarineMeatMonday #warhammer #wh40k #horusheresy #sonsofhorus #mournival #warhammer40k #SpaceMarines
It's Monday morning - time for some Space Marine meat!
Again, I decided to draw Fabulous Bill. Because I like him. Yeah, I said what I said!
The atheist beloved by gods and monsters. The hermit everybody wants to be their leader.
Loving, yet not very good father. Horrible brother. Ungrateful son (rightfully so).
#Warhammer #Warhammer40k #FabiusBile #EmperorsChildren #WH40k #MarineMeatMonday #SpaceMarines #ChaosSpaceMarines
#warhammer #warhammer40k #fabiusbile #EmperorsChildren #wh40k #MarineMeatMonday #SpaceMarines #ChaosSpaceMarines