Receiving side of the shack, #skysquittor adsb receive antenna,turnstile for #satnogs and marine #ais #MarineTraffic ,
2meter beam for local repeater
#MarineTraffic #ais #satnogs #skysquittor
Ship that was parked in the Bronx for a month. Make it make sense.
#shipping #ships #MarineTraffic
#MarineTraffic #marine
Maritime Live Monitoring:
- Equasis - provides safety related information on ships and companies
- Global Fishing Watch map - an open-access online platform for visualization and analysis of vessel-based human activity at sea.
- Marine Traffic - ship tracking and maritime intelligence:
#osintools #osint
#osint #osintools #marine #MarineTraffic
Turns out I can "see" quite a few ships on the river from my flat. gnuaisgui gives a reasonable, if basic, live map of the AIS messages I'm receiving with my #rtlsdr dongle on the #RaspberryPi #MerseyShipping #weeknotes #MarineTraffic
#rtlsdr #raspberrypi #merseyshipping #weeknotes #MarineTraffic