Hot Wheels: Rift Rally is the Mario Kart Live successor
From the people that brought you the other game exactly like this
#News #HotWheels #HotWheelsRiftRally #MarioKartLive #VelanStudios
#velanstudios #MarioKartLive #hotwheelsriftrally #hotwheels #News
Hot Wheels: Rift Rally is the Mario Kart Live successor
From the people that brought you the other game exactly like this
#News #HotWheels #HotWheelsRiftRally #MarioKartLive #VelanStudios
#velanstudios #MarioKartLive #hotwheelsriftrally #hotwheels #News
@apLundell can you remote control them? Step aside #MarioKartLive #HomeCircuit, and hello #RoombaRace!
#MarioKartLive #HomeCircuit #RoombaRace
Das finde ich innovativ. Typisch #Nintendo halt.
#nintendo #MarioKartLive #HomeCircuit