RT @GiovaQuez: Le forze di Kadyrov annunciano la presa di Mariupol, la città di Maria, al grido di “Allahu akbar”. Ne sarà lieto il patriarca di Mosca Kirill, fervido difensore dei valori della cristianità. Insomma meglio i tagliagole che i gay pride #MariupolGenocide
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SilviaCostaEU/status/1517388565927317511
RT @ukraine_world: ⚡at least 84,000 people in Mariupol lost their homes. At least 20,000 died. Dozens of thousands were deported to Russia or "DNR". This is #MariupolGenocide
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ramontremosa/status/1514004110600724489
RT @OlenaHalushka: Mariupol city council reports that russians started to sweep away the traces of their war crimes in the town and burn the bodies of murdered residents en masse in mobile crematoria #GenocideOfUkrainians #MariupolMassacre #MariupolGenocide
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1511671212090568707
#GenocideOfUkrainians #MariupolMassacre #MariupolGenocide