News اخبار · @Niusha
48 followers · 477 posts · Server

Die jüngsten Brände in den Wäldern von haben 2035 Hektar Eichenwald vernichtet.
Nur 7 % der Gesamtfläche Irans sind mit Wald bedeckt. Die restlichen 93 % sind Trocken- und Halbtrockengebiete mit sehr spärlicher Vegetation. Jeder Hektar Eichenwald speichert in der Regenzeit 500 bis 2.000 Kubikmeter Wasser.

Recent fires in the forests of have destroyed 2035 hectares of oak forest.
Only 7% of Iran's total area is covered by forest. The remaining 93% are arid and semi-arid areas with very sparse vegetation. Each hectare of oak forest stores 500 to 2,000 cubic metres of water during the rainy season.

#Marivan #savekurdistannature

Last updated 1 year ago

News اخبار · @Niusha
26 followers · 163 posts · Server
News اخبار · @Niusha
26 followers · 159 posts · Server

20. März Beginn der nächtlichen Proteste in

20 March Start of night protests in

#Marivan #mahsa_amini #newruz

Last updated 2 years ago

News اخبار · @Niusha
26 followers · 158 posts · Server

Die -Feier im Dorf in mit dem Slogan "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi".

The celebration in village in with the slogan "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi".

#Nowruz #chorunneh #Marivan #mahsa_amini

Last updated 2 years ago · @sanaz
607 followers · 2026 posts · Server · @sanaz
604 followers · 1944 posts · Server



Last updated 2 years ago · @sanaz
604 followers · 1932 posts · Server · @sanaz
584 followers · 1858 posts · Server


Last updated 2 years ago · @sanaz
584 followers · 1857 posts · Server

Anti-aircraft fire is currently heard in . The reason for this is not yet known. 👇​


Last updated 2 years ago · @sanaz
577 followers · 1778 posts · Server

Condemn feminicides - let's fight against patriarchy!

In the last few days, 3 women were killed by in the cities of , and .

On January 31, from Kamyaran was killed by her ex-husband. Rezvan died on Tuesday morning, January 31, as a result of a gunshot wound.

was a young makeup artist from who married , a well-known bodybuilder of this city, two months ago. Zohre and her brother Yahya were shot by Ali Khajawi. Zohre's husband committed suicide after killing the two.

On January 29, , a citizen of "Ni" village in who was set on fire by her ex-husband on January 24, died. Negin died from her burns covering 95% of her body in Sanandaj hospital.
As a child, she had undergone forced marriage at the age of 12 due to the unsafe and unbearable atmosphere in her family and frequent beatings by her father. The violence was repeated in her husband's house and led to her divorce.

These murders occur in a situation where more than four months have passed since the beginning of the revolutionary uprising of a part of the Iranian population. The uprising under the code name Zhina spread all over the world. It showed the whole world that the Iranian people, especially women, not only capitulated to massacres, prisons, torture and poverty, but also made the final decision to overthrow the Islamist-capitalist rule. By burning the veils, Iranian women have ignited the flag of political Islam, not only in Iran but also in the region. This event is one of the characteristics of the Iranian women's movement that has brought it exemplary fame.
The anti-religious character of this movement, in which women play a central role, has dealt a fatal blow to part of the apparatus of oppression and, at the same time, to the profit-based conditions that are actually the cause of women's oppression.

#femicide #kamyaran #Marivan #ahvaz #rezvan_nadimi #zohre_land #ali_khajawi #nagin_rostami #زن_کشی #femizid #jin_jiyan_azadi #ayal_durmus_erkinlik #women_life_freedom #قادین_یاشام_آزادلیق #جنین_زند_آجویی #امرأة_حياة_حرية #زن_زیویش_أزأیي #زن_زندگی_آزادی #زن_زنەی_آزادی #ژن_ژیان_ئازادی

Last updated 2 years ago · @sanaz
496 followers · 1335 posts · Server



Last updated 2 years ago · @sanaz
496 followers · 1331 posts · Server

All stores close. Yesterday on the second day of the strike, the day begins with nationwide, closed businesses.
Pictures and videos from: , & 👇​

#tebriz #ardebil #Marivan #Sanandaj #chabahar #tehran

Last updated 2 years ago

L'appel des 5, 6 et 7 décembre
Des manifestations ont eu lieu ce soir dans plusieurs autres quartiers de . Les jeunes révolutionnaires de , , et ont eu la même tactique: faire des barrages dans les rues. Des manifestations se sont tenues à . Ici à les manifestants demandent aux autres passants de les rejoindre et scandent: "Mort au dictateur" et "Pauvreté, corruption et la vie chère/Nous irons jusqu'au renversement (du régime)".

#mahsa_amini #karaj #arak #amol #Marivan #Chiraz #Machhad #teheran

Last updated 2 years ago

L'appel des 5, 6 et 7 décembre
Selon les dernières informations, toutes les villes du Kurdistan en sont en grève aujourd'hui, entre autres, , , , , , , , (le clip), , , , , (le ville de ), , , , , , etc.
De plus, des manifestants ont commencé des protestations dans la rue et à Sanandaj des barrages sont érigés.

#mahabad #oshnavieh #piranshahr #Sardasht #Boukan #Baneh #mahsa_amini #Saghez #Marivan #Sanandaj #dehgolan #qorveh #paveh #ravansar #javanroud #Kermanchah #Qasr_e_Chirin #Ilam #sarableh #abdanan #iran

Last updated 2 years ago · @sanaz
493 followers · 1295 posts · Server

On Wednesday, November 30, the joy of schoolchildren in , and over the defeat of the Iranian soccer team was.

#Saqqez #Zahedan #Marivan #ژینا_امینی #قیام_ژینا #مهسا_امینی

Last updated 2 years ago · @sanaz
493 followers · 1293 posts · Server

The workers' strike is the backbone of the general strike! In the last 70 days, the has been one of the most effective forms of struggle of the Iranian people. The strike, the * and * strike, the * and * strike and the * and students* strike are part of the strike movement of the "Women - Life - Freedom" movement.
In continuation of the and the recent strikes, the working class is gradually joining the strike movement. So far, drivers went on strike in than ten cities, including Qazvin, , , Bomhan on the route to Tehran, , Abbas, , Bashmaq border of , , , , and suburbs, , , Mote gold mine and also drivers at terminal.

In addition, last week workers* of at least eight companies (Sarma Afarin Industrial City of Alborz in Qazvin, Zarnam Heshtgerd Company, Cruise Parts Company of Tehran, more than 4,000 workers* of Isfahan Iron and Steel Co, Pars Household Appliances Company, Regular Production Industry in , welders* of Bafaq Steel Complex and workers* of Niro Tivazeh Company in Qazvin) stopped working and joined nationwide strikes.

During the strike of the workers* of Cruz Component Factory, we saw the strong presence of women, who make up more than 70% of the workforce of this company. the slogan "Poverty line of twenty toman, gross wage of six toman", the women workers have created another golden leaf of the leading role of women in the revolutionary movement of Jina.
The strike is the university of the revolution and gives the opportunity to the uprising of the masses in the streets to breathe fresh breath and gather strength for the future struggles. The expansion of the strike movement has doubled the self-confidence of the street protesters and helps us take the steps to walk more resolutely on the road of revolution.

By disrupting the circuits of urban transport and transit, factory production, cleaning and urban affairs and services, education and treatment sectors, government agencies, in a word, by deactivating the circuit of normal and daily life, the strike will lead more masses to participate in the current revolutionary movement and open the way for the gray sections of society to a nationwide uprising.
Solidarity workers, strike, revolution, a group of revolutionary youth on the ground in Marivan.

#generalstrike #basar #students #professors #nurses #doctors #teachers #jina_revolution #truck #more #shahpur #isfahan #Kermanshah #bandar #kashan #Marivan #qoruh #shahrreza #asad_abad_hamdan #marand #Saqez #shiraz #Yazd #Karaj #with #general_strike #اعتصاب_سراسری

Last updated 2 years ago

Aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître, après l'échec de "l'équipe nationale" de football d' contre celle des États-Unis au Qatar, les gens sont descendus dans les rues d'au moins d'une vingtaine de villes pour fêter son élimination. A et d'autres villes cela s'est passé par de gros bouchons de voitures qui klaxonnaient. A (le clip), c'était la danse et le slogan en kurde. Les gens considèrent cette équipe comme celle des mollahs.

#mahsa_amini #femme_vie_liberte #Marivan #Ispahan #iran

Last updated 2 years ago · @sanaz
486 followers · 1255 posts · Server

Several groups of the revolutionary people in the neighborhoods of have provided medical assistance for the treatment of the wounded. It would be time for different groups to prepare places and conditions for the treatment of wounded fighters.
Long live freedom and equality!

#Marivan #kurdistan #مهسا_امینی #ژینا_امینی

Last updated 2 years ago

L'Union des associations de conducteurs de camions d'Iran (organisation syndicale interdite) a lancé un appel à la grève du 26 novembre au 7 décembre. La grève est appelée pour des revendications relatives aux problèmes que les conducteurs ont dans l'exercice de leur métier mais aussi par solidarité avec le mouvement actuel en Iran contre le régime. Cette grève est constatée aujourd'hui à certains endroits comme , , et (le clip).

#mahsa_amini #Qazvin #Marivan #Kermanchah #Ispahan

Last updated 2 years ago

AmiW 🎨 · @AmiW
3743 followers · 12979 posts · Server

MOIN, Freunde*innen 🖤
🔴 Hamid Nikkah, Künstler aus Marivan, wurde am 20.11.2022, von Kräften des islamischen Regimes entführt.
Sein Aufenthaltsort und sein Schicksal sind unbekannt.
Sei seine Stimme! ❤️
🔴 Hamid Nikkah, artist from Marivan, was abducted by Islamic Regime forces on Nov. 20, 2022.
He whereabouts and fate are unknown. Be his voice! ❤️
➡️ Artist:

#releasehamidnikkhah #womanlifefreedom #iranprotests #mahsaamini #art #MastoArt #streetart #iran #Marivan #hamidnikkah

Last updated 2 years ago