Mike Stone · @mike
21960 followers · 13134 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Got the new version of installed on my . Neon is just a touch too heavy for the hardware in the Mark2. I've heard you can upgrade the Pi to a model with more RAM and supposedly that makes a huge difference. If you can get a Pi. I'm hoping when they get around to a Pi 5 :raspberrypi: it'll keep close enough to the same form factor that it can be dropped into the Mark2. It would be really nice to give it a bit more oomph.

#neonai #Mark2

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Stone · @mike
21956 followers · 13115 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Ooo, just got notified that the new Version 2.0 is available for my That's super exciting. I can't wait to try it out!

#neonai #mycroft #Mark2

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Stone · @mike
21820 followers · 12972 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I feel like this could be an opportunity for a more open option. Both Google and Amazon have seemingly lost some of their focus on this market because it turns out people aren't just going to ask their voice assistant to buy them something and trust that it's just all going to work out. An open option like or could step in and cover the basic functions. Unfortunately with the demise of , there's no hardware to run it on other than PCs or the .


#neon #ovos #mycroft #Mark2

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Stone · @mike
21183 followers · 12561 posts · Server fosstodon.org

With the help of @NeonClary, I just upgraded my to an SSD, which has greatly increased the responsiveness. The touch screen is noticeably faster than it was with the USB drive, and it responds to voice commands faster by an order of magnitude. Absolutely worth it if you've got a Mark2 that you've upgraded to Neon. :neon_ai: :mark2:

#Mark2 #mycroft

Last updated 2 years ago

@mike @Tay0 Welp my went into a never-boot loop this afternoon so I dove in with

I found a link to the image here:

It uses the imager for usb drive config, and all be told it took me 10 minutes of honest work not including watching the image download.

I don't know anything about Neon AI or how to operate the MK2 now but at least it talks to me again.

My old picroft is still on its feet by the way. Huh.

Onward through the fog.....

#mycroft #Mark2 #neon #raspberrypi

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Stone · @mike
21070 followers · 12442 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Whoops, looks like they're out of now, so just the last run of devices.

#raspberrypi #Mark2

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Stone · @mike
21070 followers · 12441 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Not trying to shill for , but right now they have for sale what could possibly be the last run of devices. They've already started shutting down operations, so I doubt they're going to be making more. They're a little on the pricy side, but you can still install Neon AI (neonassist.com/neonaidownloads) and keep these devices fully functional with an virtual assistant. If that's not your bag, they have surplus Pis available, and those are hard to find.


#mycroft #Mark2 #opensource

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Stone · @mike
20614 followers · 12142 posts · Server fosstodon.org

is finally available for beta testing. It's not a "fully open" test and they send you a link with a generic user/pass combo after you register your email. I assume this is to limit bot traffic and gauge interest. Still looking forward to the in September, and more than likely I'll be using the new @popey voice. I'm still using the original ap voice on my Mark1, and it wouldn't feel natural to use anything else.


#Mimic3 #mycroft #Mark2

Last updated 3 years ago

Mike Stone · @mike
20647 followers · 12166 posts · Server fosstodon.org

is finally available for beta testing. It's not a "fully open" test and they send you a link with a generic user/pass combo after you register your email. I assume this is to limit bot traffic and gauge interest. Still looking forward to the in September, and more than likely I'll be using the new @popey voice. I'm still using the original ap voice on my Mark1, and it wouldn't feel natural to use anything else.


#Mimic3 #mycroft #Mark2

Last updated 3 years ago