@deborahh hi Deb. I believe you’re right! 🌸🙌👍
https://aus.social/@coolandnormal/109622693500608854 I'm a #Gardener looking to do a qualification in #Horticulture.
Although the qualification can be done in a classroom setting, I would prefer to do it as a #traineeship partly because I think I would learn more and partly because I need the work. Signing up for a traineeship based qualification requires regular work on a contract.
I have a special interest in #Tea #CamelliaSinensis particularly #Puerh
I'm also interested in #NativePlants #LandRegeneraton #FoodSovereignty and helping elderly and disabled people maintain their gardens, their access to food and their connections with nature.
I have farming experience and am happy to do mostly outdoor manual labour. I'm a casual university #teacher so a school garden program or other educational environment would also be suitable.
Please #boost if you know anyone who might need #Gardening #Horticulture #LandCare #GroundsKeeping #MarketGardening in #GundijimaraCountry or surrounds.
Edit: I can organise the qualification, the prerequisite is that I be contracted to someone else's horticulture business (rather than self-employed in horticulture, as I am now). There are government kickbacks to make it worth your while.
I currently work at Melb Uni, so #PartTime is fine, although I would consider giving that up for #FullTime
#gardener #horticulture #traineeship #tea #CamelliaSinensis #puerh #nativeplants #landregeneraton #foodsovereignty #teacher #boost #gardening #landcare #groundskeeping #MarketGardening #gundijimaracountry #parttime #fulltime #jobhunting #careerchange #fedihired #hireme #manuallabour
Versuch einer Übersicht unserer Anbauflächen 😂
#nerdsinnature #hofkollektiv #nature #marketgardening
#nerdsinnature #hofkollektiv #nature #MarketGardening
Status in the first quarter of our annual project.
#spring #MarketGardening #gardening #Garten #nature
A tutaj dłuższy artykuł o gospodarstwie Magdy i Filipa: https://agronomist.pl/artykuly/magda-partyka-i-jej-regeneratywna-farma #GreenLeaf #rolnictwoRegeneratywne #bioróżnorodność #Wielkopolska #rolnictwo #ogrodnictwo #permakultura #warzywa #marketGardening #Poznań #AllanSavory #RWS
#Greenleaf #rolnictwoRegeneratywne #bioroznorodnosc #Wielkopolska #Rolnictwo #ogrodnictwo #permakultura #warzywa #MarketGardening #poznan #allansavory #RWS
Für interessierte unsere kommenden Events diesen Fabruar, bei interesse schreibt uns gerne an! #steiermark #woodworking #diy #together #marketgardening #growing
#Steiermark #woodworking #diy #together #MarketGardening #Growing
A work in progress #CropCycle #CropCycling #Watercolour #Vegetables #Veggies #MarketGardening #GardenArt
#gardenart #MarketGardening #veggies #vegetables #watercolour #cropcycling #cropcycle
I'm a casual #Gardener looking to do a qualification in #Horticulture. Although the qualification can be done in a classroom setting, I would prefer to do it as a #traineeship partly because I think I would learn more and partly because I need the work. Signing up for a traineeship based qualification requires regular work on a contract.
I have a special interest in #Tea #CamelliaSinensis particularly #Puerh
I'm also interested in #NativePlants #LandRegeneraton #FoodSovereignty and helping elderly and disabled people maintain their gardens, their access to food and their connections with nature.
I have farming experience and am happy to do mostly outdoor manual labour. I also have a few years university #teaching experience, so a school garden program or other educational environment would also be suitable.
Please #boost if you know anyone who might need a regular #Gardening #Horticulture #LandCare #GroundsKeeping or #MarketGardening #Worker in #GundijimaraCountry or surrounds
#gardener #horticulture #traineeship #tea #CamelliaSinensis #puerh #nativeplants #landregeneraton #foodsovereignty #teaching #boost #gardening #landcare #groundskeeping #MarketGardening #worker #gundijimaracountry
Side note on mutual aid: I'm currently vastly underemployed and having great difficulty finding work. This means I have a lot more time than money. While I understand money is generally much more useful than labour, labour is what I currently have to give.
I'm pretty good at #Gardening and #Horticulture services including #MarketGardening which I'm happy to donate or swap for #Food and #PlantMedicine. I'm also handy with a chainsaw and can harvest firewood for you if you have a source. I can also care for your #Livestock.
#gardening #horticulture #MarketGardening #food #plantmedicine #livestock
Dieser Tage von #MarketGardening als Anbaumethode für #SoLaWi's gehört. Zwar ist ein "Market Garden" schlicht ein Nutzgarten (für Verkauf der Erträge), aber hinter dem Schlagwort scheinen sich ein paar interessante Konzepte zu verbergen. Z.B. eng zu pflanzen, damit keine blanke Erde da ist. Oder immer was auf dem Feld haben - als Zwischenfrucht gleich nach dem Ernten. Vielleicht sollte ich doch Gärtner werden?
#MarketGardening #solawi #ReLaVision #landwirtschaft