Thoroughly enjoyed the newly released documentary film "Good Night Oppy" about the twin missions of the Mars Spirit and Opportunity rovers.
#GoodNightOppy #MarsRovers #oppy
Searched a little for references and see that @mikeseibert and @doug_ellison were mission members and they share a few toots and info about it.
This article is an interview with film director Ryan White: and a video interview is at
#oppy #MarsRovers #goodnightoppy
Hi everyone, I'm Mike.
I work in space operations. I am currently the lunar mission planning lead at Blue Origin. Before that I spent 12 years exploring Mars with the Spirit & Opportunity rovers; including being a rover driver and lead flight director.
#Moon #Mars #MarsRovers #Spirit #Oppy
I occasionally do some writing that may someday turn into a memoir about my time with Spirit & Opportunity.
#Writing #Memoir
Other interests include #flying, #cycling, and #sustainability.
#sustainability #cycling #flying #memoir #writing #Oppy #Spirit #MarsRovers #mars #moon #introduction