Jonathan · @JonathanMBR
3085 followers · 8961 posts · Server

and Kajiado counties have lost more than 40 per cent of their livestock to the ongoing drought, according to the latest data from the National Drought Management Authority.

The data says that since the start of the drought, more than 2.6 million herds of cattle, sheep, goats and camels have died in the 23 arid and semi-arid lands counties.

📷George Murage


Last updated 2 years ago

Hannes Kaechele · @hannes_kaechele
7 followers · 1944 posts · Server

Once the home of the Kenyan Tusker legend Ahmed


Seit drei Jahren wütet eine verheerende in . Besonders betroffen: die Region . Die letzten Wasserquellen sind längst versiegt, der Boden ausgetrocknet, Ernten zerstört. Wildtiere verdursten qualvoll, Menschenleben stehen auf dem Spiel. 🧵


#Marsabit #kenia #durre

Last updated 2 years ago

EUinKenya · @EUinKenya
2 followers · 1262 posts · Server

Still happening today! Girls are at risk during the long school holidays! and elsewhere in Kenya.

Let's all take action were possible. @GMCEndFGM
RT @EUAmbKenya: FGM in Africa still prevalent. In Kenya there are at least 17 counties where cutting of young girls is taking place during this holiday period, despite it being illegal.


#Samburu #Marsabit #Kisii #Nyamira #Narok #Kajiado #WestPokot #EndFGM #saynostopvaw #orangetheworld #16days

Last updated 2 years ago