Was werden wir heute ab 20:00 Uhr (MEZ) auf https://www.twitch.tv/thomy_freaky in #MarthaIsDead wohl alles erleben?
#Horror #PsychoHorror #PS5Live #Playstation5 #TwitchDE #Twitch #TwitchGER #GermanMediaRT
#MarthaIsDead #horror #psychohorror #PS5Live #Playstation5 #TwitchDE #twitch #TwitchGER #GermanMediaRT
Ich habe mir das Spiel #MarthaisDead für meine #XBoxSeriesX gegönnt, war im Angebot. Habe die Digital Deluxe Version geholt, weil da ist noch ein Spiel drin, das heißt #TheTownofLight, das ist auch ganz gut. Wollte nicht die #PS5 Version, weil die Version nicht uncut ist. 😁
Das Spiel Spiel scheint richtig schön eklig zu sein, da muss sogar ich aufpassen, ob das nicht zu hart für mich ist. Dabei habe ich eigentlich keine Angst vor irgendwelchen Horrorspielen. 😅
#MarthaIsDead #XboxSeriesX #thetownoflight #ps5
I need more story-driven games like #TheSuicideofRachelFoster, #blacksad, #ConwayDisappearanceAtDahliaView, #TheCouncil, #thimbleweedpark, #dishonored, #mafia3, #MarthaIsDead, #theoccupation, #WhatRemainsofEdithFinch, #TwinMirror, #AlfredHitchcockVertigo, #BestMonthEver, #laststop, #sherlockholmes, #SouthoftheCircle, #sunset, #thatdragoncancer, #tombraider etc any tips?
#TheSuicideofRachelFoster #blacksad #ConwayDisappearanceAtDahliaView #thecouncil #thimbleweedpark #dishonored #mafia3 #MarthaIsDead #theoccupation #whatremainsofedithfinch #TwinMirror #AlfredHitchcockVertigo #BestMonthEver #laststop #sherlockholmes #southofthecircle #sunset #thatdragoncancer #tombraider
Adventskalender 2022 [04] - Martha is Dead
Horror zum zweiten Advents
#Adventskalender2022 #Adventskalender #LetsPlayDeutsch #Elandirthor #MarthaIsDead #MarthaIsDeadDeutsch
#adventskalender2022 #adventskalender #letsplaydeutsch #elandirthor #MarthaIsDead #marthaisdeaddeutsch
Speaking of video games, one of my favorite games of the year was #MarthaIsDead - psychological horror with exploration with NO dependency on jumpscares. I need more games like it and yes I played its "prequel"
Martha is Dead: a New Horror game made in Italy, reviewed on Linux (Proton): https://boilingsteam.com/martha-is-dead-italy-is-scary-review-on-linux-proton/ #linux #linuxgaming #gaming #marthaisdead #review #horror #italy
#linux #linuxgaming #gaming #MarthaIsDead #review #horror #italy
Martha is Dead: Italy is Scary. Review on Linux (Proton): https://boilingsteam.com/martha-is-dead-italy-is-scary-review-on-linux-proton/ #linux #linuxgaming #release #proton #steam #gaming #marthaisdead #italy #horror #review #steamplay
#linux #linuxgaming #steam #horror #MarthaIsDead #italy #review #steamplay #release #proton #gaming
Ha sigut presentat #HELLisUS
ℹ️ Sense deixar massa clares les mecàniques de joc, este videojoc francès sembla que podria oferir una perspectiva pareguda a la de #MarthaIsDead, fent èmfasi en una trama on es barreja allò real amb el surrealisme per tractar temes profunds.
#HELLisUS #MarthaIsDead #videojocs
Recomanats de febrer del 2022
Repassem els videojocs destacats de febrer del 2022. Ressenyes de Horizon Forbidden West, Elden Ring i Total War: Warhammer III.
#Recomanats #DyingLight2StayHuman #EldenRing #Elsmillorsvideojocsdelmes #HorizonForbiddenWest #MarthaisDead #Sifu #Videojocs #War:WarhammerIII
#Recomanats #DyingLight2StayHuman #eldenring #Elsmillorsvideojocsdelmes #HorizonForbiddenWest #MarthaIsDead #sifu #videojocs #war
📰 Butlleti XQP! #17
D'estrenes indies recolliem ROJO: A Spanish Horror Experience, #Infernax, #BloodbornePSX, i l’esplèndid #CryOfFear feia 10 anys. S’alliberava la demo de #Daymare1994, així com el pertorbador #MarthaIsDead; i + coses.
#videojocs #terror #TerritoriGamer #llengua #premsa #periodisme #envalencià #valencià
#Infernax #BloodbornePSX #cryoffear #Daymare1994 #MarthaIsDead #videojocs #terror #TerritoriGamer #llengua #premsa #periodisme #envalencià #valencià
#MarthaIsDead ja ha eixit per a PS4 i 5, Windows, i Xb1 i XBSeries
Al final, el contingut censurat de les versions de PS4 i 5 no es tracta de contingut eliminat, sinó bàsicament d'interacció amb estes.
ℹ️ https://ift.tt/0brSh3Y
▶️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KN1qelGiTk
Martha Is Dead review: horror that confuses being horrible with being horrifying - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/martha-is-dead-review #WiredProductions #MarthaIsDead #WotIThink #Horror #LKA
#wiredproductions #MarthaIsDead #wotithink #horror #lka
#MarthaIsDead arribarà censurat a les consoles de Sony
📑 L'estudi italià rere el joc rep un avís a última hora de Sony a on s'avisa de que les versions d'este títol per a les seues consoles arribaran sense certs continguts.
#videojocs #MarthaIsDeadGame #premsa #censura #llengua #valencià #envalencià #oci #entreteniment #PlayStation5 #PlayStation4
🗞 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2022/02/12/martha-is-dead-ps5-ps4-censored/
#MarthaIsDead #videojocs #MarthaIsDeadGame #premsa #censura #llengua #valencià #envalencià #oci #entreteniment #playstation5 #playstation4
Wired Productions has a Steam Deck and shows it off (First Hands on Thoughts): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwKFgWIk7sk #linux #linuxgaming #hardware #steam #steamdeck #wiredproductions #marthaisdead
#linux #linuxgaming #hardware #steam #SteamDeck #wiredproductions #MarthaIsDead