Oki - mastodon is grumpy. I end the thread here. See the film on Netflix - it's definitely worth it!
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
Now 50% of the cast is pointing swords at the other 50%. If this was a Hollywod movie we would be at the point when the audience is introduced to What This Is All About. I think this film is following the same model, so things will make (more) sense in a few seconds.
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
I try to not focus so much on hair, but it's hard when a literal Evil Hair is flying around the palace.
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
We can safely say Boya isn't a fan of measely things like stairs. I wouldn't be either if I could sommersault over a roof like that.
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
Hm. I probably won't do this again, because this is One Heck Of A Thread. But I don't want to leave you hanging either, so let's return to Qingming, Boya and the others in the Imperial City.
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
Unfortunately I need to pause the live tooting here. Will resume in around 30h. Take care!
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
(Lady) master Longye! Finally! She needs more screen time!
...aaand she's gone again.
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
Drinking tea under wisteria flowers in a painting. Lest we didn't know this is a Chinese fantasy story...
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
Ok - if you are squicked by tentacles or wiggling tendrils you may want to skip the operation scene. Not even hentai will... just skip.
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
Hm. Boya and Qingming are both wearing red shirts closest to the body. I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say, that they dare wear anything but black and white!
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
Ghu! That was a creepy magical wound!
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
The princess is alive, btw, just dazed.
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
Ok. The princess was attacked, and Qingming orders Boya to help undress her. My impression of Chinese culture in this respect is probably best summarized in 'easily embarrassed'. But I'm with Boya - I'd pray for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
The Azure Dragon (one of the Very Important Guardians) is the grumpiest. This may be a flat translation, but I relate so hard!
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
What I do appreciate is that all characters have several changes of clothes. My fellow fantasy storytellers; character design still needs to take personal hygiene in acvount!
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
What? Boya with (most of) his hair down? What made him relax all of a sudden? (And may I add that Boya is always dressed in black leather while Qingming is dressed in flowing white silk.)
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
OMG! Qingming is doing the red string and thumbtack thing! But in a very fantasy way of course! I had completely forgotten this!
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
Lol! This time Qingming has spent the night playing go with pretty young men. Boya is PISSED!
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy
Was that evil hair just casually walking about the palace yard?
#ChineseFantasy #MarthaLiveToots #fantasy