Review: Witch King by Martha Wells #MarthaWells, #SophiaRoseReview, #Standalone, #TordotcomPublishing
#tordotcompublishing #standalone #sophiarosereview #MarthaWells
Review: Witch King by Martha Wells
#RatingA #Reviews #SciFiOrFantasyFiction #MarthaWells #SophiaRoseReview #standalone #TordotcomPublishing
#tordotcompublishing #standalone #sophiarosereview #MarthaWells #scifiorfantasyfiction #reviews #ratinga
All Systems Red is a sci-fi novella that is interesting and short enough to finish in a single sitting. A great choice to get out of a reading funk. It's also the first in the MurderBot series, so you can get hooked on some great sci-fi-lite fun.
My review:
#bookstodon #books #MarthaWells #allsystemsred #murderbot
#InterestGraph - #Introduction
#ScienceFiction #Fantasy #SolarPunk #Cyberpunk #Classics
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Witch King by @marthawells was fantastic, as expected. So nice to get a satisfying standalone fantasy novel but.... would also love to spend more time with these characters. A lot of world left unexplored.
#MarthaWells #witchking #fantasy
@Tourma @yerald @fictionable @bookstodon
FWIW, I was at a #MarthaWells book signing for #witchking last night in STL, and she mentioned she is planning a sequel. @leftbankbooks should have the video on one of their socials.
I haven't read it yet -- on the TBR pile behind Ann Leckie's Translation State, which is behind a re-read of her Imperial Radch novels...
In response to your fairly good point about not a ton of female authors, I went back and looked at my kindle for the 5 most recent female authors I've read (discounting one offs I didn't enjoy).
Considering I had to go back to April to get 5, I think my reading lists have been too male-dominated recently! Will be looking through the others listed.
#octaviabutler #MarthaWells #csfriedman #loismcmasterbujold #clpolk
What are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own. Etc. Some of mine:
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I picked a sci-fi #audiobook collection from #HumbleBundle last week and started listening to the #Murderbot series by #MarthaWells. Two books in and I’m hooked. I really like the main character and at £16 for 20 audiobooks you can’t go far wrong. There’s two days left before the bundle runs out:
#audiobook #humblebundle #murderbot #MarthaWells
Witch King by Martha Wells
“From the breakout SFF superstar author of Murderbot comes a remarkable story of power and friendship, of trust and betrayal, and of the families we choose.”
#WitchKing #MarthaWells #SanJose #RecycleBookstore #Bookstore #Bookstodon
#witchking #MarthaWells #sanjose #recyclebookstore #bookstore #bookstodon
Luin murhabotin päiväkirjojen kovasti kehutun ykkösosan. Nopealukuinen, suhteellisen lyhyt ja ihan viihdyttävä. Menee kategoriaan ”ihan kiva”, mutta ei ihan hehkutuksen arvoinen. Ehkä meno paranee jatkossa. #Kirjat #KirjaMastodon #murhabotti #MarthaWells
#MarthaWells #murhabotti #kirjamastodon #kirjat
Inzwischen ist die Übersetzung angekündigt: #Übertragungsfehler von #MarthaWells, "ein Killerbot-Roman", erscheint im Januar 2024.
#ubertragungsfehler #MarthaWells
Vor paar Tagen hab ich bei Libby "Network Effect" von Martha Wells ausgeborgt und gleich 400 Seiten von den über 900 weggelesen und was ich eigentlich sagen will:
Ich würde heute viel lieber weiterlesen, anstatt zu der Familienfeier zu gehen ...
#lesen #MarthaWells #murderbotdiaries #ostern #LesenIstSchön
#lesen #MarthaWells #murderbotdiaries #ostern #lesenistschon
#MNastodon #Minneapolis The delightful #MarthaWells will be signing books at #DreamHavenBooks this Thursday night 4/6?and will be GoH at #Minicon this weekend!
#MNastodon #minneapolis #MarthaWells #dreamhavenbooks #minicon
"Na super, der Riesenfrachterbot hilft dem SecUnit-Konstrukt, so zu tun, als wäre es ein Mensch. Was soll da schon schiefgehen?"
Feiertäglich-faules Lesen in der Übersetzung der ersten Teile für den richtigen Gesamt-Groove
Ich entdecke wie immer manche Perle, siehe oben - und auch manche Stelle, für die mir eine bessere Lösung jetzt, Jahre später, spontan zufliegt. Alles fließt, auch das ist wie immer.
(#TagebuchEinesKillerbots, Seite 187)
#MarthaWells #TagebuchEinesKillerbots
Just read @marthawells 's WITCH KING in one sitting. A powerful tale of demons, revenge, power and revolution--really impressed by the way it blends a very tight intrigue with expansive and intricate worldbuilding. Also I am here for Ziede and Tahren, and the murderchild Sanja, my favourite trope, hahaha. #witchking #marthawells #tordotcom
#witchking #MarthaWells #tordotcom
Just read @marthawells 's WITCH KING in one sitting. A powerful tale of demons, revenge, power and revolution--really impressed by the way it blends a very tight intrigue with expansive and intricate worldbuilding. Also I am here for Ziede and Tahren hahaha. #witchking #marthawells #tordotcom
#witchking #MarthaWells #tordotcom
"Als die ersten Konstrukte entwickelt wurden, hatten sie ursprünglich knapp unterhalb der Empfindungsfähigkeit gelegen, quasi als dümmere Version eines Bots. Nur lässt sich etwas so Dummem nicht die Verantwortung für die Sicherheit von irgendetwas übertragen, ohne auch noch Geld für teures, firmeneigenes, menschliches Aufsichtspersonal auszugeben. Also haben sie uns intelligenter gemacht. Mit der Nebenwirkung von Angstzuständen und Depressionen."
Ayer me hicieron un regalo 💜
Corto, con letra grande y que pesa poco.
Perfecto para un momento en que me cuesta concentrarme y tengo la fuerza de voluntad un poco bajo mínimos.
#MarthaWells #matabot #literaverso
New Murderbot novel coming out in November #scifi #Sciencefiction #MarthaWells #Murderbot
#murderbot #MarthaWells #sciencefiction #scifi