Martin Amis: How to write a great sentence - via Chicago Humanities Festival. #MartinAmis #Writing
RIP #MartinAmis , the #MickJagger of literature. I studied English at Cambridge, he was only three years my senior, and I've never read one of his novels. That's all about to change. As his friend #SalmanRushdie said, ""He used to say that what he wanted to do was leave behind a shelf of books - to be able to say: 'From here to here, it's me.'" I can look forward to the shelf. Read more here: 👉
#MartinAmis #mickjagger #salmanrushdie
Not to speak ill of the dead, but Martin Amis once wrote this about the terrorist attacks on the WTC on September 11th and, well … it's nonsense.
I mean really, clearly, obviously impossible, absolutely not possible if you think about the events of that day, or the sizes of the objects described, for even ten seconds.
I'm not trying to speak ill of the dead but it has always puzzled me that he could write something so ridiculous and not get called on it.
#MartinAmis #books #Writing #Bookstodon #911 #WTC @bookstodon
#MartinAmis #books #writing #bookstodon #wtc
“Being inoffensive, and being offended, are now the twin addictions of the culture.”
#MartinAmis #silentsunday #quotes #culture #sunday
Martin Amis. The Information (1995)
'Cities at night, I feel, contain men who cry in their sleep and then say Nothing. It's nothing. Just sad dreams. Or something like that...Swing low in your weep ship, with your tear scans and sob probes, and you would mark them.
Women--and they can be wives, lovers, gaunt muses, fat nurses, obsessions, devourers, exes, nemeses--will wake and turn to these men and ask, with female need-to-know, "What is it?"'
RIP #MartinAmis. One of the greats and a massive influence on me over the years.
Britischer Autor Martin Amis im Alter von 73 Jahren gestorben #BritischerSchriftsteller #MartinAmis #Abschied #Abschied #Tod
#tod #abschied #MartinAmis #britischerschriftsteller
@npr_bot The Zone of Interest - an exploration of the ordinary human capacity for evil - premiered at the Cannes film festival last night, based on the story by #MartinAmis, coincidentally on the night of his death. #RIP
Favorite Martin Amis book?
I'm partial to THE INFORMATION, LONDON FIELDS, and MONEY, in that order.
#rip #reading #bookstodon #books #MartinAmis
Finding people to follow on here by searching the #martinamis tag. (There ought to be some kind of word for that.)
Finding people to follow on here by searching the #martinamis tag. (There ought to be some kind of word for that.)
Remember when I was reading Money (which I loved), I bumped into Martin Amis in the street and he scowled at me. Made my day. Very sad to hear the news. My thoughts are with his family. #Books #bookstodon #MartinAmis
#Books #bookstodon #MartinAmis
It's sad of course. But #MartinAmis set the #Keith cause back decades with his lazy stereotypes.
La natura ostile. Visioni e prospettive nella narrativa contemporanea #post-apocalittico #MatteoMeschiari #SerenellaIovino #EugeneStoermer #NiccolòScaffai #eco-distopico #Segnalazioni #JamesBallard #PaoloZanotti #UrsulaLeGuin #AmitavGhosh #AnnieProulx #antropocene #PaulCrutzen #ecocritica #MartinAmis #PaoloLago #natura
#post #matteomeschiari #SerenellaIovino #EugeneStoermer #NiccolòScaffai #eco #segnalazioni #JamesBallard #PaoloZanotti #ursulaleguin #AmitavGhosh #AnnieProulx #antropocene #PaulCrutzen #ecocritica #MartinAmis #paololago #natura
Few novelists have a great gift for the essay. Usually the essays of the professional novelist, the #MartinAmis type, have a between-work air. Among the Brits, the great essayist-novelists are #Lawrence, #Woolf and #Pritchett. I have been in love with Jimmy Joyce since highschool, and consider Ulysses the summit of art – but he was no essayist.
#MartinAmis #lawrence #Woolf #pritchett
If I was going to read a Julian Barnes novel tomorrow, which one would it be? As supporting info, I’m a big reader of contemporary fiction but just haven’t yet got around to Barnes. I didn’t enjoy The Sense of an Ending or The Noise of Time btw. Should I stick to Martin Amis?
#julianbarnes #martinamis #bookrecommendation
#JulianBarnes #MartinAmis #bookrecommendation
@albinokid some of mine are #IsaacAsimov #RobertAHeinlein #DouglasAdams #MartinAmis #JamesMichener #ArthurConanDoyle #Bookstodon
#isaacasimov #RobertAHeinlein #douglasadams #MartinAmis #JamesMichener #ArthurConanDoyle #bookstodon
Favourite authors...
#NeilGaiman @neilhimself
#MartinAmis #IanMcEwan #AdrianTchaikovsky #neilgaiman #iainbanks
Sometimes you get stuck & it's something you've already done that isn't right. You have to go back & fix that