“If you don’t know the ground beneath you, you could be a sitting duck. But if you do, you could offer informed resistance. Get wily, smoky, unpredictable.” #MartinShaw in “Smokehole - Looking to the wild in the time of the spyglass” #Smokehole
“If you don’t know the ground beneath you, you could be a sitting duck. But if you do, you could offer informed resistance. Get wily, smoky, unpredictable.” #MartinShaw in “Smokehole - Looking to the wild in the time of the spyglass” #Smokehole
Llyfr newydd gyrraedd o’r ether, sef #Bardskull gan #MartinShaw.
Wedi bod yn edrych ymlaen at hwn ers i fi weld ar wefan #Unbound rhyw ddwy flynedd yn ôl. Mae fy enw yn y cefn!
#unbound #MartinShaw #bardskull
[1975] On the Move - BBC sitcom that was in fact an educational programme aimed at adults with literacy problems, and linked to a national campaign at the time. It was credited with removing some of the stigma attached to illiteracy. With Bob Hoskins, Patricia Hayes and Martin Shaw.
#OldBritishTelly #BobHoskins #PatriciaHayes #MartinShaw