This YouTuber drew #MarvelAvengers with a compass... Like how the fuck... 🤯 #art #sketch
vielleicht erinnern sich einige von euch noch an das AAA Service Game Marvels Avengers.
Der Support und Verkauf des Spiels wird ab 30.September eingestellt.
Wer es schon besitzt, wird es allerdings behalten (im GamePass soll es auch vorerst noch bleiben).
Singleplayer geht auch nach dem Stichtag und Credits werden in Ressourcen umgewandelt.
Ich kann das Spiel empfehlen, weil es eine gute Kampagne bietet. Das Service Zeug sollte man ignorieren.
Marvel's Avenger: Live-Service-Spiel fehlt Erfolg und wird eingestellt #MarvelAvengers #SquareEnix #gaming_news
#MarvelAvengers #squareenix #gaming_news
Crystal Dynamics confirms an unfortunate Marvel’s Avengers rumor
#MarvelAvengers #gaming #GGsOnly
I'm currently using #Midjourney to generate #SouthAsian versions of #MarvelAvengers and it's making me weirdly emotional.
As a little kid, #MarvelComics were an escape from my daily racist bullying at the hands of white teachers and schoolmates.
The images I'm generating now... I wish I could have seen #Indian #superheroes like this back in 1971.
It would have made a huge difference to me.
#southasiandiaspora #racism #superheroes #indian #marvelcomics #MarvelAvengers #southasian #midjourney
Jumping around the bridge with Hulk was incredibly frustrating trying to get it to actually get to the places where you get the wall-jump and then land where you need it to land. Doesn't help that the camera angle keeps shifting in undesirable ways. It looks like it could be a great game but, yeah, the bugs and control issues just make it not worth my time at the moment. #MarvelAvengers #videogame #disappointed
#MarvelAvengers #videogame #disappointed
Jumping around the bridge with Hulk was incredibly frustrating trying to get it to actually get to the places where you get the wall-jump and then land where you need it to land. Doesn't help that the camera angle keeps shifting in undesirable ways. It looks like it could be a great game but, yeah, the bugs and control issues just make it not worth my time at the moment. #MarvelAvengers #videogame #disappointed
#MarvelAvengers #videogame #disappointed
Got Marvel Avengers because it was on sale, started the Reassemble Campaign and quit in the Hulk Tutorial part. The thing is still a buggy mess (had to restart during Thor portion of tutorial - it refused to accept any input on the learn-how-to-use-an-ultimate part -caused the game to cease progressing (since it also disables every other input except movement during that part); the controls are really janky. I really expect more from a high-profile title. #MarvelAvengers #videogame #disappointed
#MarvelAvengers #videogame #disappointed
Got Marvel Avengers because it was on sale, started the Reassemble Campaign and quit in the Hulk Tutorial part. The thing is still a buggy mess (had to restart during Thor portion of tutorial - it refused to accept any input on the learn-how-to-use-an-ultimate part -caused the game to cease progressing (since it also disables every other input except movement during that part); the controls are really janky. I really expect more from a high-profile title. #MarvelAvengers #videogame #disappointed
#MarvelAvengers #videogame #disappointed
Added a shortcut to this link for Thanos reading order to my phone and I keep accidentally clicking it, so I thought it was definitely worth a share....goes through some early Infinity Gauntlet stories through to more modern stuff. enjoy
#Thanos #ComicBooks #MarvelComics #JimStarlin #StanLee #Avengers #MarvelAvengers #InfinityWar
#thanos #comicbooks #marvelcomics #jimstarlin #stanlee #avengers #MarvelAvengers #infinitywar
For those who put the game down waiting for something new juts announcing that Winter Soldier is live and you can now play him. So far he's pretty beast.
Yes I know the Games not perfect and definitely has its flaws but as a Comic Nerd it's still a guilty pleasure game for me and do have a lot of fun playing it with friends.
#avengers #Marvel #MarvelAvengers #MarvelAvengersGame #WinterSoldier
#Gaming #GamingNews
#avengers #marvel #MarvelAvengers #marvelavengersgame #wintersoldier #gaming #gamingnews
#GLG #Gamenews #marvelAvengers
The Winter Soldier Arrives in 'Marvel’s Avengers
Today’s update includes new gear and increases the maximum power level achievable in the game to 185, adding to a game already packed with content, and continuing the game’s story through the ongoing Avengers Initiative.
#GLG #gamenews #MarvelAvengers
I somehow never saw this before, so in case you also haven't seen it, I'm sharing. Also, disturbed. There's something remarkably insipid and embarrassed about it.
#MarvelAvengers #firsttimetryingthis
Coming up at 8:00pm ET more #jmggaming Community Play #marvelavengers on @NVIDIAGFN
Join me & community members @CrowRezin, @Simply_Pwned & @CaliDrewVos as we assemble together to take on Hydra!!!
Coming up at 8:00pm ET more #jmggaming Community Play #marvelavengers on @NVIDIAGFN
Join me & community members @CrowRezin, @Simply_Pwned & @CaliDrewVos as we assemble together to take on Hydra!!!
Ich würde mir gern mal so einen Flugzeugträger anschauen. Nicht dass ich gern auf Wasser oder in der Luft wäre. Ich glaube dass es gute Gründe hat, dass ich zwei Beine und keine Flügel oder Kiemen habe.
Pardon me while I assist Kate in rescuing Barton from the wrong timeline. Because teleporting arrows are the new hotness! :HawkeyeLogo:
*hops into a multiverse portal*
Marvel's Avengers | WAR TABLE Deep Dive: Kate Bishop
Kate is searching for her former mentor, Hawkeye, but along the way she discovers a conspiracy involving Nick Fury, time travel, and a frightening new enemy....